Sunday, June 30, 2024

Gaia again: the living planet

The Mysterious, Deep-Dwelling Microbes That Sculpt Our Planet

Earth's crust teems with subterranean life that we are only now beginning to understand.

...As I studied the interdependence of Earth and life, I continually returned to an ancient and controversial idea: that Earth itself is alive. It was not until the late 20th century that the idea of a living planet found one of its most popular and enduring expressions in Western science, the Gaia hypothesis. Conceived by the British scientist and inventor James Lovelock in the 1960s and later developed with the American biologist Lynn Margulis, the Gaia hypothesis proposes that all the animate and inanimate elements of Earth are "parts and partners of a vast being who in her entirety has the power to maintain our planet as a fit and comfortable habitat for life."

Lovelock published his first book on Gaia in 1979 amid a growing environmental movement. Although his ideas found an enthusiastic audience among the public, many scientists criticized and ridiculed them. Those who bristled at the notion typically made the same protestations: Earth cannot be alive because it does not eat, grow, reproduce or evolve through natural selection like "real" living things.

Yet there has never been an objective measure or a universally accepted definition of life. There are numerous examples of things we con­sider inanimate that have traits of the living and vice versa. Life is more spectral than categorical, more verb than noun. Life is not a distinct class of matter but rather a process — a performance. Life is something matter does.

Although sci­ence has not yet arrived at a fundamental explanation of the phenomenon we call life, many experts in the past century have favored a variation of the following: Life is a system that sustains itself. This defining capacity for active self-preservation and self-regulation emerges at many different scales: at the scale of the cell, the organism, the ecosystem and, I would argue, the planet.

Gaia still retains something of a stigma in mainstream science, but in recent decades opposition has waned significantly. Although the claim that Earth itself is a living entity remains contro­versial, some scientists embrace it, and others are increasingly open to it. The idea that life transforms the planet and is intertwined with its self-regulatory processes has become a central tenet of mainstream Earth-system science, a relatively young field that explicitly studies the living and nonliving components of the planet as an integrated whole. As the Earth-system scientist Tim Lenton has written, he and his colleagues "now think in terms of the coupled evolution of life and the planet, recognizing that the evolution of life has shaped the planet, changes in the planetary environment have shaped life, and together they can be viewed as one process."

Like many living things, Earth absorbs, stores and transforms en­ergy. Earth has a body with organized structures, membranes and daily rhythms. From the raw elements of our planet have emerged zillions of biological entities that ceaselessly devour, transfigure and replenish its rock, water and air. Such organisms do not simply reside on Earth; they are literal extensions of Earth. Moreover, organisms and their en­vironments are inextricably bonded in reciprocal evolution, often converging upon self-stabilizing processes that favor mutual persis­tence. Collectively, these processes endow Earth with a kind of plan­etary physiology: with breath, metabolism, a regulated temperature and a balanced chemistry. Earth is not a single organism or a product of standard Darwinian evolution, but it is nonetheless a genuine living entity, a vast interconnected living system.

One early metaphor Lovelock deployed to explain Gaia was a redwood tree. Only a few parts of a tree contain living cells, namely the leaves and thin layers of tissue within the trunk, branches and roots. The rest is dead wood. Similarly, the bulk of our planet is inanimate rock, wrapped in a flowering skin of life. Just as strips of living tissue are essential to keep a whole tree alive, Earth's living skin helps sustain a kind of global being. What Lovelock did not realize at the time, however, was that even Earth's seemingly inert skeleton of rock was far more porous and alive than most people believed...

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Improvising survival in a warming world

From The New York Times:

Three Ideas to Beat the Heat, and the People Who Made Them Happen

As temperatures soar around the world, practical experiments are emerging to protect people.

An app that helps people find relief from the heat.

A tiny insurance policy that pays working women when temperatures soar.

Local laws that help outdoor workers get water and shade on sweltering days.

As dangerous heat becomes impossible to ignore, an array of practical innovations are emerging around the world to protect people most vulnerable to its hazards. What's notable is that these efforts don't require untested technologies. Instead, they're based on ideas that are practical and already known to work.

They offer a window into the need to adapt to the new dangers of extreme heat that have played out vividly in recent weeks, killing still-untold numbers of religious pilgrims, tourists and election workers around the world and driving up emergency room visits for heat-related ailments in the United States.

The World Meteorological Organization has said that heat now kills more people than any other extreme-weather hazard and has called for many more "tailored climate products and services" to protect people's health, including easy-to-use tools to find help...

The Canadian way

A kind and decent message about salmon:

Saturday, June 22, 2024

environmental humanism

Don't spray-paint Stonehenge.

Extreme pessimism is creeping into the climate-activism movement. These environmental misanthropes are misguided, Tyler Austin Harper writes. "We should be pursuing an environmental humanism, one that wants to defend both the planet and the human estate."

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Recycling Is Broken. Should I Even Bother?

Every little bit helps. But doing it wrong can actually make matters worse.

...When you do buy things, consider whether you can recycle the packaging. When choosing drinks, metal containers are generally better than plastics. When you shop online, you can sometimes ask for less packaging, as with Amazon's "frustration-free" option. And remember the first two Rs: reduce and reuse.

Although these are small things you can do, the reality is that recycling's challenges are systemic.

So, is it worth the effort?

In theory, every item you recycle can keep resources in the ground, avoid greenhouse gases and help keep the environment healthy. And that's all good.

"The value is in displacing virgin materials," said Reid Lifset, a research scholar at Yale's School of the Environment.

But here's the critical part: Don't wish-cycle.

Follow the instructions provided by your local hauler. If you throw in stuff they don't want, the effort needed to weed it out makes it less likely that anything will get recycled at all. nyt

Thursday, June 13, 2024


"Possibly here in the Holocene, or just before 10 or 20 thousand years ago, life hit a peak of diversity. Then we appeared. We are the great meteorite." E. O. Wilson (1929-2021)