Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Exam 2 Study Guide

Heres a study guide for the quizzes we've had so far - I will add the next couple quizzes to this study guide as we get them.

QUIZ 9: October 9,2018
Klein 9-10
1.     What has Betsy DeVos devoted her life to?  (161)
2.     What's Jeff Sessions' objection to consent decrees?  (162)
3.     What's the Koch brothers' goal?  (162)
4.     What's Blackwater's connection to the Trump administration?  (166)
5.     Who says the nuclear threat once again seems real?  (170)
6.     What's the link between war and oil prices? How are preventing war and averting climate chaos one and the same fight?  (172 / 174 / 175)
7.     What's the lag time between the release of CO2 and warming, with what implication for any particular administration?  (176)
8.     What confidence is shared by Trump's inner circle?  (180)
9.     "What good is utopia?"  (187)
10.  What did her family experience teach Klein about how humans can respond to a shock?  (189 / 190)
11.  What was the problem with our national response to 9/11, if not that we'd had no experience of such shocks in the past?  (196)
12.  What did the Day Without Immigrants highlight?  (200)
13.  What were protesters demanding on Earth Day 2017 and a week later?  (201)

QUIZ 10: October 3, 2018
Klein 11 - Conclusion
1.     What was Obama's mandate?  (210 / 211)
2.     What claim blocking serious action on climate change does Klein say Obama could have "buried"?  (213)
3.     What's "the critical thing" according to Howard Zinn?  (215)
4.     What created the conditions that enabled The New Deal?  (216)
5.     Who was the Bernie Sanders of his day?  (218)
6.     What's been missing in our discourse since 2008?  (2219 /220)
7.     What does Mni Wiconi mean?  (222)
8.     What's humanity's "most pressing question"?  (225)
9.     What was Klein surprised to find at Standing Rock?  (229)
10.  In Klein's analogy humans are to the earth as ____ are to ____.  (233)
11.  The extended definition of a green job is what?  (241)
12.  Of what is Trump the culmination, according to Klein? What'll be the good news, "as we de-Trump"? (261)

QUIZ 11: October 8, 2018
Leutjen Intro-3
1.     What email reminder tempts Cheryl to "sink back into despondency"?   (11)
2.     What "eco-activist step" made Cheryl feel "lighter"?  (12)
3.     What do ants do for the environment (according to "Googlia")?   (19)
4.     Why doesn't Cheryl abandon the injured pigeon?  (27)
5.     How long have pigeons been on earth?  (33)
6.     What are some theories of how pigeons navigate so reliably?  (34)
7.     What does Cheryl find "typically human" in our attitude to other species?  (38)
8.     What despair seizes Cheryl in the night? How has thinking about pigeons helped her deal with it?  (39)
9.     What caused California water tables to fall to historic lows?  (44)
10.  What's the GR?  (46)
11.  What are some examples of other species that have adapted to calamity?  (49)
12.  What image reminds Cheryl that there's a place for lightheartedness even in the serious business of survival?  (50)

Quiz 12: October 10, 2018
Leutjen 4-6
1.     What's Cheryl's "protocol"? (52)
2.     Where does Cheryl go to restore a feeling of calm? What temptation does she resist there?  (54/55)
3.     What are Cheryl's and "Curmudgeon's" questions? What does she say they're both wondering?  (56)
4.     What "Law" does Cheryl invoke, to inspire and reinforce "good cheer"?  (59)
5.     To what "dinosaur" does Cheryl prefer the Internet?  (60)
6.     What percentage of phone directories were recycled?  (63)
7.     Why did the court strike down the opt-out ordinance?  (65)
8.     What was the name of Cheryl's store?  (66)
9.     What's the source of the "hilarity" by the pond?  (71)
10.  What does Michael Valentine Smith grok?  (72)
11.  How much has the Greenland Glacier melted in the past decade, compared to the past century?  (76)
12.  When was the first IPCC report issued?  (78)
13.  We keep driving our cars and cranking up the a/c despite what sound evidence?  (83)

QUIZ 13: October 17, 2018
Leutjen 7-9
1.     The dairy cow's bleating reminds Cheryl of what film (based on a great novel by William Styron)?  (88)
2.     Nature did not envision what human practice?  (89)
3.     Cheryl's friend says 15 acres of her farm is what?  (92)
4.     What % of American milk producers participate in FARM?  (96)
5.     Cheryl resolves to be a consumer of what?  (98)
6.     What are Magic Beans?  (101)
7.     What's a major concern of anti-GMO activists?  (105)
8.     What did Cheryl do when she worked at an oil company?  (107)
9.     What caused outrage over Golden Rice?  (108)
10.  Why does the nursery appear to Cheryl a "battlefield of desire"?  (109)
11.  How much food do Americans throw away each year?  (114)
12.  How does Cheryl describe modern landfills? How do sanitary landfills impede natural recycling?  (118/121)
13.  What does aerobic decomposition require? How does it differ from anaerobic decomposition?  (123)
14.  What does the perspective of a human lifespan fail to appreciate?  (126)

QUIZ 14: October 22, 2018
Leutjen 10-12
1.     Three of our most common fears are what?  (131)
2.     What does Cheryl hope never to have to find out?  (133)
3.     What is it about kombucha that so enamors Cheryl?  (137)
4.     What are the health benefits of fermented foods?  (138)
5.     What's SCOBY?  (140)
6.     How does Earth's ecosystem rely on bacteria?  (142)
7.     What's wrong with antibacterial soaps?  (143)
8.     What happened to "Scott"?  (148 / 149)
9.     What does Cheryl find vulgar and titillating about her magnolia seeds?  (153)
10.  What options for her seeds does Cheryl consider?  (154)
11.  How does the seed make "Oneness" more vivid and concrete for Cheryl?  (155)
12.  What should you tell your inner cynic, if it sneers at your efforts to develop a more intimate relationship with nature?

QUIZ 15:  October 24, 2018
Leutjen 13-15
1.     What's become of Atlantic cod?  (158)
2.     Who were the codfish aristocracy?  (159)
3.     Who certifies sustainable fishing practices? What do critics say about that?  (161)
4.     Name a couple of Cheryl's "sacrifices"?  (168 / 169)
5.     What does Cheryl's pounding heart tell her?  (170)
6.     How do almonds compare to other food products, in water required for production?  (172 / 173)
7.     What are some health and ecological benefits of almonds?  (177 / 178)
8.     What does methane do 20x more effectively than CO2?  (178)
9.     How many straws do we throw away each year?  (185)
10.  What's the BAN list, and what's atop it?  (187 / 188)
11.  How much plastic is in the ocean, with what results for marine life?  (189)
12.  Why does Bayan Slat disagree with "Think global, act local"?  (193)
13.  What more is there to a stainless steel straw than Cheryl realized?  (198)

QUIZ 16:  October 29, 2018
Leutjen 16-18
1. Who does Cheryl hope will teach her to be happy "when there's nothing else I can do"?  ()
2. Why does Cheryl suddenly feel like an intruder in her "outdoor office"?  ()
3. What's possibly "the best I can ever hope, as far as Earth is concerned"?  ()
4. Cheryl feels "called out" for her misplaced guilt about what?  ()
5. What happens to Cheryl in the woods?  ()
6. Why does Cheryl hold no grudge for the bark beetle?  ()
7. What are we doing to tip the scales for the beetles?  ()
8. What simple truth washes over Cheryl?  ()
8. Who taught Cheryl that every stone has a story?  ()
10. What "calls forth a new way of being" for Cheryl? How (for example) does she honor it  ()
11. What are some examples of harm being inflicted by jellyfish?  ()
12. Why are many aquatic species fighting for their survival?  ()
13. What has motherhood taught Cheryl?  ()