Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Message from the Future III


To the citizens in the world of the future: 

I say this with great optimism; it’s currently 2020, and more many of us, now more than ever, are planning for your arrival. The year we assumed would welcome us with open arms has changed in ways we could have never imagined or adequately prepared for. Many of us have suffered losses of close family and friends that will forever be engrained in our hearts. Others have experienced frustration due to canceled ceremonies, celebrations, and annual traditions. The financial instability faced in 2020 has led to the uncertainty of the future for all industries. The sudden switch in our society has created a new reality that has pushed us to realize the importance of life and how we all must continue to adjust and keep fighting for it. Long-term planning or even thinking ahead at this time can seem like a luxury seeing as how we are engulfed in the Pandemic known as Coronavirus or COVID-19. Although we are dealing with a lethal virus spreading throughout the entire world, changing the dynamics of how we operated within our society, I believe we have witnessed some changes for the better good of humanity and your future generation to come. 

During this time, we’ve dealt with poverty, injustice, climate disruption, and difficult government/ political matters including the measures they took to control the spread of the virus causing a slowdown of economic activities. That slowdown had a pretty notable effect on the environment, both positive and negative. One of the positive things that came from the end of 2020 was within the campaign of President-elect Biden campaign, he announced his plan of a $2 trillion climate plan that will aim to reach net-zero emissions, economy-wide, by the year 2050. His entire campaign connects the need to reduce pollution by reducing the negative health impacts from the coronavirus, especially respiratory symptoms. With great efforts such as these, the foundations of family, church, community, nation, and profession will continue to prosper and grow in this new era.

My final word to you all is this; if you look around and you cannot find change, of any kind, create one. The uncertainty of the future will always demand that we recognize opportunity within ourselves by utilizing the creativity and critical thinking skills that will ultimately solve some if not all of the new challenges will come or even the challenges that will continuously need to be worked at. “Life is a journey, not a destination” - Ralph Waldo. This basically means that there is no final point in life because there will always be room for growth and elevation. Everything we working towards now is for you and I hope that the future generation will not only be able to see and enjoy the harvest from the seeds being planted now but also continue the marathon. How you shape, create, and nurture the environment around you will determine reality for those after you.

“This is a past just as exotic as the future”