Monday, March 25, 2024

A Dire Threat to a National Wildlife Treasure

…In a virtual public meeting attended by hundreds of people this month, commenters spoke for three hours in defense of the swamp. (No one spoke in favor of the mine.) "There's just no sense in risking the national wildlife refuge just to make rich people richer by mining for an extremely nonessential mineral," one local resident said.

There's no sense in it at all. To build a mine on the edge of the Okefenokee would be to rob nearby Georgians of safe drinking water, to rob our wild neighbors of one of the few truly wild places we have left and to rob the world of an ecological treasure. The Okefenokee does not belong to Georgia. It belongs to the planet. It belongs to us. And we should all do everything in our power to save it.

Margaret Renkl

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see that people are so passionately defending the environment, and I hope their voices are heard.
