Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sustainable transport

TED speakers imagine a future of transport that's faster, cleaner, and just plain cooler: listen...
One of the talks on this theme is the NYC transport commissioner's account of how she made her city safe for pedaling. If they can do it there, we can do it anywhere.

(Note to my school administration: why don't we make a deal with Nissan, up the road, for a faculty-available fleet of Leafs and a place on campus to charge them?)

Monday, June 23, 2014

1 in 100

That's how many doctors and climate experts will advise you to "wait and see." But they don't have a waiting list.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A 'Good' Anthropocene?

Branding matters, say sustainability advocates.

['Anthropocene'] brings the Human and the Natural together into a single temporal and spatial unit: the planet as defined by human activity (and interactivity with it). It is, in this sense, like “globalization” but larger, with ecology now woven into this global frame. For environmental humanists (among others) it lends the credibility of science (geology!). For earth scientists, it expands their purview to include the human. These are all clear gains and make the term worth supporting and working with. Any effort to bridge the “two cultures” divide in a way that recognizes both human agency and material reality is a good thing...
Exploring Academia's Role in Charting Paths to a 'Good' Anthropocene -