As part of its crusade against consumerism, an unorthodox New York church urges action to preserve the Earth.
...Mr. Talen went on to sermonize about things not generally heard from pulpits. About mounting warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the scientific body created by the United Nations. About record high temperatures, melting ice sheets and skyrocketing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. About torrential downpours intensified by heat that seemed less like rain, and more like midair waterfalls.
Outside, New York City was baking. The temperature was 91 degrees Fahrenheit but felt like 106. A block away, down East Third Street, kids were dancing in the spray of an opened fire hydrant. Inside the storefront space, which used to house a bank, a sclerotic air-conditioning system was losing its battle with the heat. The air felt as hot as breath.
"This proto apocalypse that we're living through, it's moving so fast and changing so fast that a lot of what's happening doesn't have names," Mr. Talen continued. "We're living through it but not talking about it."
Then, sensing the need for levity, he cried out, "Someone give me an Earthalujah!"
"Earthalujah!" the choir and congregants hollered back...