Sunday, November 10, 2024

Who Says You Can’t Live Off the Grid in Manhattan?

"… Bill McKibben, an environmental activist who has spent decades advocating collective action, applauded Mr. Spodek's use of solar panels, pointing to a movement in Germany in which more than 500,000 people added solar panels to their balconies in the first half of 2024.

"More power to him," Mr. McKibben said of Mr. Spodek. "It's a really good illustration of how effective solar power is, even in small doses. And there's going to be an endless amount more of just this kind of experimentation."

But he added that private lifestyle choices were limited in their impact. "The most important thing an individual can do is be a little less of an individual," he said, "and join together with others in movements big enough to enact some change."

Mr. Spodek acknowledged that his own exercise in living off the grid had a negligible effect on climate change. He was vague about how his personal example — even his modest workshops and podcast, "This Sustainable Life" — could spread beyond the circle of people already trying to live more sustainably.

But even small, individual gestures can have a ripple effect, said Sarah Lazarovic, vice president of communications and creative strategy at the nonprofit Rewiring America, which promotes conversion to electricity, including solar.

"When someone puts up solar panels on their place, it's catalytic because people see it done," she said. "Then they'll do it, and other people will see that. So I never underestimate the power of individual action."

Mr. Spodek pointed — perhaps immodestly — to other social movements that began with a few individuals.

"I have no intent to just do one-on-one for the rest of my life," he said. "What I'm doing is creating leaders so that they can create yet more leaders. And that means creating organizations, institutions."

Culture change had to start somewhere, he said. Why not with him?"

1 comment:

  1. We just bought our first home and I am so excited to use my power of individual action. We have an HOA and I am sure me adding solar panels to my roof in the coming future will cause a stir. Good. My current development of my lawn has not gotten me a letter in the mail yet, but by the time no grass exists I am sure that could change. But honestly, the garden I am creating will bring more joy than they can imagine. I want to be that change I want to see in the world. Conflict creates conversation and that is a great thing.
