Ecotopia still poses a nagging challenge to the underlying national philosophy of America: ever-continuing progress, the fruits of industrialization for all, a rising Gross National Product.
Well… there’s progress, and then there’s real progress. We need not “give up any notion of progress,” just the debilitating and self-destructive one we’ve been burning at both ends. And we really should give up our traditional and habitual greed, short-sightedness, superstition, ignorance, and fear. Just listen to JL. Just read Callenbach’s last letter.
Will we ever get there, to a genuine and sustainably “stable state” in balance with nature? Surely so, if we
can plausibly imagine there will be a flourishing and recognizably-human civilization still here in a century. Surely not, if we’re committed to keeping on doing what we’ve been doing. We need to commit to something better.

That’s my prediction. Please don’t wake me if I’m wrong. And maybe don’t wake me period. As John Lachs says, there is “something deeply appropriate in dying when our purposes are fulfilled.” And as the other JL would agree: if we want to progress, we really must “clear the field for the next generation.”
"The point is to change the world"
Bill McKibben (@billmckibben)
Bill McKibben (@billmckibben)
and the #dothemath bus is rolling towards madison! and the news? now over 100 active divestment campaigns at schools across America!
Here's the honor roll of the first 100 colleges with divestment movements. many more to come! gofossilfree.org/campaigns/
NCSE (@NCSE) tweeted at 5:19 PM on Thu, Nov 29, 2012:
A climate change denial bestiary. http://t.co/hrVx36ua
Here's the honor roll of the first 100 colleges with divestment movements. many more to come! gofossilfree.org/campaigns/
NCSE (@NCSE) tweeted at 5:19 PM on Thu, Nov 29, 2012:
A climate change denial bestiary. http://t.co/hrVx36ua
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