Thursday, November 17, 2016

France To Shut Down All Its Coal Power Plants By 2023

Source can be found here 

It's nice to feel like there's something to celebrate. The UN’s annual climate change meeting in Marrakech, Morocco is a reminder that the world spins and progress is made somewhere, if not here.

France's President Hollande made a call for "carbon neutrality" by 2050, praised President Obama, and said that the Paris Agreement is "irreversible." No doubt Hollande is unnerved by Trump's propensity to reverse.

All jokes aside, any person who is conscious of the severity of global climate change should fear a Trump presidency; however, many developed nations seem ready to leave America in the dust if we don't get with the program.

France currently has 7 coal power plants that are dwarfed by France's main energy producer: nuclear plants. I would hate to have a conversation with Naomi Klein about this subject, but there's no doubt that nuclear energy is at least marginally better than coal- coal being single highest emitter of CO2 globally.

With Germany vowing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 95 percent and England vowing to close all coal plants by 2025, things are looking pretty nice if we manage to get our American heads out of our political-turmoil-filled butts.

I'm of the opinion that the U.S. will demand renewables to compete with the prices of coal and natural gas before they are widely adopted, but that's not necessarily a pessimistic view. With more and more large, developed countries investing in and hopefully innovating solar and wind energy, the U.S. will have to follow (or be dragged, kicking and screaming).

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