Monday, August 27, 2018

Quiz Aug29

LISTEN: Ellis 1-2

Write your answers down on a sheet of paper and bring it with you to class Wednesday. Claim a base for each correct answer (and a run on the scorecard for every four bases, up to 5 runs per class). Also claim a base for each posted alternate quiz question, discussion question, response to a discussion question, other comment, or relevant link, and claim a RUN (4 bases)  for posting a weekly 250+ word essay on the relevant topic of your choice. Keep track of everything you post in a dated personal log that will be collected later. 

Write your answers down on a sheet of paper and bring it with you to class.

1. (preface) What's the author's goal?

2. When did the term "anthropocene" first appear in print? 2

3. What is "the basis for marking new intervals of geologic time" (and thus the rationale for dubbing our time the anthropocene, the "age of humans")? 3

4. What was Archbishop Ussher's errant calculation? 5

5. How did Darwin birth a new origin story, and what did it imply about life? 9

6. When did homo sapiens appear, on the cosmic calendar? 11

7. What's the IPCC? 13

8. Who wrote The End of Nature? 14

9. Who was the first scientist to propose that the Earth's functioning as a system was transformed by the emergence of the biosphere? 18

10. What is the Gaia Hypothesis? 18

11. What changed everything? 21

12. What did Charles Keeling publish in 1960? 25

13. Who was Rachel Carson, and what did she document? 29
And here's a bonus quiz on the scorecard game, etc.

1. Name two of the ways you can earn a base in our class. (See "course requirements" & other info in the sidebar & on the syllabus)

2. How many bases must you earn, for each run you claim on the daily scorecard?

3. How do you earn your first base in each class?

4. Can you earn bases from the daily quiz if you're not present?

5. How can you earn bases on days when you're not present?

6. What should you write in your daily personal log?

7. Suppose you came to class one day, turned on the computer/projector and opened the CoPhi site, had 3 correct answers on the daily quiz, and had posted a comment, a discussion question,  and an alternate quiz question before class. How many runs would you claim in your personal log and on the scorecard that day?

8. How many bases do you get for posting a short, relevant weekly essay of at least 250 words?

9. What are Dr. Oliver's office hours? Where is his office? What is his email address?

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you care about "a better future for the age of humans"? Why or why not?
  • Is it accurate to interpret the legacy of Copernicus and Darwin as our demotion to "just another animal on just another planet..."? 1
  • Does an Age of Humans necessarily mean the end of nature? 
  • Is the Anthropocene a "2d Copernican revolution"? WouAdd ld that be a good thing?
  • Do you accept science's "origin story" as the best we have? 6   Is it compatible with others? 
  • COMMENT: What do you think of Stewart Brand's statement that "humans are gods and have to get good at it"?
  • "Biology takes her time from geology." 9  What does that mean? 
  • "What does nature even mean in an age of humans"? 15
  • Should we take the Gaia Hypothesis literally? Or is it a metaphor? For what?
  • (Add YOUR discussion questions...)


  1. I am wondering if we post the answers for the alternative test questions? I have them written out, I'd like to get the participation points!
    1) Attendance and participation are two ways to earn bases in this class.
    2)4 Bases=1 run, 5 runs can be collected in a day.
    3) 1st base, show up for class!
    4)no, must come to class
    5) participation in body and mind is very important, posting links and comments, writing a 250+ word blog post will help with bases/runs but participation is easy enough!
    6)come to class, log your answers, comments, links, each correct quiz answer, blog comments, post links,ect.
    7)almost 2 runs, 1 run, 3 bases.
    8)4 bases, 1 run
    9), MW 4-5pm/by appointment. JUB 300

  2. Hate to have missed our second class session. I am seeking to share some news and related content to the course with the class on this website. Where should i go about doing so?
