Sunday, September 23, 2018

How to get some people to care

Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip for September 23, 2018


  1. Motivations:

    The 1st impression I have is that different people have different motivations. The 2nd impression I have is that some people’s motivations are “crazy” or “wrong.” But I think that my 2nd impression is a trap. Morals, ethics, common sense.... these are all subject to our experiences. (Even if you believe in some version of a “universal truth”, I think we can all agree that some people like blue more than orange). So I think we should be careful of judging the donkey, and should instead simply try to understand what motivations people other than “me” have. Perhaps we can then begin to have discussions that involve everyone.


  2. Lol no body likes warm beer, I'll remember that line when discussing why some people should care in the future: have it pertain to them in some ways and it becomes personal.
