Monday, June 19, 2023

Our Most Important Environmentalists Are 4 Years Old

They can teach children how important it is for everyone to help.

...Maybe it seems a little excessive for someone to bring home an armload of environmental books meant for her neighbors’ children to read, but to me it felt like an exercise in hope.

As I read those books, it dawned on me that picture-book authors and illustrators are laying the groundwork for a better climate future by tapping into children’s inborn compassion, curiosity and sense of justice. These books explain how important it is for everyone to help, kids included, and they give the adults no place to hide. If a child can care so much, shouldn’t we care, too?

1 comment:

  1. I love this article! I agree that we should care because this is the world they will inherit, and we should see it as our duty to preserve and protect as much of the natural world and its resources as possible for them.
