… Encouraged by the wildflower show at Elmington Park, I set off last week to see as many patches of Nashville mustard as I could find. At a time when losses in the natural world are in hyperdrive for no reason but the shortsighted stupidity of the people who now make this country's environmental policy, a flower that survives humanity by virtue of the stewardship of others can be a kind of guiding spirit.
The way those yellow flowers lifted my heart may also explain why I set my alarm, despite the cloud cover, to wake in time to see the blood worm moon. That's the thing about cloud cover: You never know when a break in the clouds will allow a glimpse of something amazing, something that predates us and is yet unruined by human hands. In very dark times, just the barest chance to witness something beautiful is enough to give a person hope...
Margaret Renkl
👣Solvitur ambulando
💭Sapere aude
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