Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Writer’s Almanac for October 20, 2016 | Goods


It's the immemorial feelings
I like the best: hunger, thirst,
their satisfaction; work-weariness,
earned rest; the falling again
from loneliness to love;
the green growth the mind takes
from the pastures in March;
The gayety in the stride
of a good team of Belgian mares
that seems to shudder from me
through all my ancestry.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the president of MTSU's Poetry Society (quick plug for anyone who may be interested) and Berry's thought would always remind me of Seamus Heaney, who's one of my favorite poets. I think there's a strong connection between the two particularly through how deeply they feel the history and connections of the places they call home, even if they may be several thousand miles apart.

    Here's a sample for anyone who may not be familiar:
