Friday, August 16, 2024

Climate anxiety

Are We Thinking About the Youth Mental Health Crisis All Wrong?

Global trends in economics, climate and technology are weighing on young adults, a report finds. It recommends overhauling how we approach mental health care.

...Climate worry is also becoming a more common complaint. Online searches for subjects related to climate anxiety have surged. Professionals have created peer support groups, an online directory of climate-aware therapists, and certification programs in climate psychology.

Michael, 38, who is using his middle name to protect his privacy, said that his anxiety over the state of the environment began when he was in his early 30s and he has since sought therapy to treat it.

"It seems like there's no care whatsoever for the world around us," said Michael, who lives in Baltimore. Small things, like seeing fleets of trucks delivering items to people's homes or trash in the waterways, make him feel angry or fearful about the future. The "reckless abandon" is "very hard to deal with," he added...

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