Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The PBD, the Lorax, Mars, ...

 As mentioned in class Tuesday...


Old Sagan posts... Sagan's (& Tyson's)  cosmic calendar... Lorax... FAM alternate timeline... Elon on Mars...


People also ask

Some people are dumb, aren't they?
Ozone basics (EPA)... Air Quality index, including Code Orange:
Members of sensitive groups may experience health effects. The general public is less likely to be affected.
But look out for purple and maroon!
I also mentioned the concept of Meliorism:


"...there are unhappy men who think the salvation of the world impossible. Theirs is the doctrine known as pessimism.

Optimism in turn would be the doctrine that thinks the world's salvation inevitable.

Midway between the two there stands what may be called the doctrine of meliorism, tho it has hitherto figured less as a doctrine than as an attitude in human affairs. Optimism has always been the regnant DOCTRINE in european philosophy. Pessimism was only recently introduced by Schopenhauer and counts few systematic defenders as yet. Meliorism treats salvation as neither inevitable nor impossible. It treats it as a possibility, which becomes more and more of a probability the more numerous the actual conditions of salvation become.

It is clear that pragmatism must incline towards meliorism..." Pragmatism by William James


I was wondering about the campus organization MTSU-SEA (Students for Environmental Action). Looks like there's activity on their recently-dormant IG account:

1 comment:

  1. The Lorax is one of my favorite movie characters. I reference to this movie so much that my children say, "we know...the Lorax". I think it is important to keep in mind while we quantify things for profit, we also do not lose sight of what is right and our what is our duty to nature for future generations.
