Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sustainable Campus applications due Sep 27

From Danny R. Kelley, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs:

In the fall of 2006, students voted to put in place a Clean Energy Fee to support campus sustainability projects. A university committee administers the funds generated by this fee. Applications are now being accepted for project proposals for 2024-2025.  Below is a set of guidelines used to determine a project’s funding eligibility:


Projects and proposals should focus primarily on:


  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Conservation/Efficiency
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Sustainable Design


Eligible spending may include:


  • On-site generation projects that utilize and publicize renewable energy technologies; such as solar array displays on campus;
  • Opportunities that may arise to gain additional funding or offset costs through rebate programs, such as the Generation Partners Program provided by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Murfreesboro Electric.
  • Up to 10% of the total annual appropriations may be used for research grants, as well as academic programs for educational, training, and research purposes, to help develop awareness of energy use, consumption, and conservation to be awarded within the MTSU community.


To submit a Clean Energy Fee funding proposal, go to then click on “Click Here to Submit a Clean Energy Funding Proposal (toward bottom of page) then under the header “Clean Energy Initiative Project Funding Request” click on the application version of your choice. Email your completed proposal as an attachment to or send to Box # 57 or fax to 615-904-8093. The deadline to submit your completed application is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2024


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Danny R. Kelley, Ph.D.

Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

P.O. Box 1

Student Union 330

Middle Tennessee State University

1301 East Main Street

Murfreesboro, TN 37132


615-898-5812 (office)

615-898-5001 (fax)

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