Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Questions OCT 3

Midterm report presentation Audrey Lewis


  1. COMMENT? "Nature is not an 'it' out there. It is us... There may not be any 'individuals' in nature..." 63
  2. Nature does what, when harm ceases?
  3. What is the correct order of George Monbiot's threats? What drives the false predator myth? 64-5 
  4. What is a keystone species? What are the three types? What kind are we? 67
  5. RE: ecosystem engineers (67)... What do you think of Stephen Tvedten's response to the "dam complaint"? 
  6. Should wildlife tourism be discouraged? 71
  7.  Do you recall any discussion about Trump's border wall disrupting animal habitats and migratory routes? Do you think most politicians understand or care about these issues if they don't hear about them from their constituencies? 73
  8. Is Knapp Castle's rewilding experiment replicable in the U.S.? 76
  9. Your questions...


  1. Why does fossil fuel use continue to rise in middle- and low-income countries? 224-5
  2. Who should governments protect in the transition to sustainable energy sources? 227
  3. Wherever there is a ___, there is a potential solar energy source. 228
  4. On what does the climate impact of wood use depend? 231
  5. Biodiverse forests should be considered what kind of technology? 232
  6. Around the world there are growing calls for what, with respect to solar geoengineering? 234
  7. What are some natural climate solutions that can offset fossil fuel pollution? Can we rely mostly on them? 236 
  8. What's more costly than the high cost of drawdown? 239


  1. The Great Paver's philosophy is ___. 378
  2.  In the Glen Canyon wilderness, said Eliot Porter, you could remove yourself from what (and live in what)? 391
  3. What sentence anchored the Wilderness Act of 1964? 392-3
  4. What did LBJ say the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 would achieve?
  5. Kenneth Boulding said conservation is irrational unless you identify with what? 402*
  6. Lynn White Jr. said our ecological crisis would worsen until we reject what? 412
*In his intro to the Kenneth Boulding excerpt, McKibben mentions Herman Daly...

Herman Daly, 84, Who Challenged the Economic Gospel of Growth, Dies

Perhaps the best-known ecological economist, he faulted his mainstream peers for failing to account for the environmental harm growth can bring... (continues)

Herman Daly teaching at Vanderbilt University in 1969. Arguing against economic growth, he said, was like poking “a big hornets’ nest with a short stick.”Credit...via Daly Family


  1. Why should "wilderness" be considered resource?

    A resource is a material that is needed for a system to run. I think wilderness should be considered a resource because the animal kingdom needs it to survive. Animals use "wilderness" or basically areas in which humans do not inhabit, as their habitats and to get their food. They also use wilderness as a breeding ground. I think wilderness is also a valuable resource to humans as well. It can bring us calmness and clarity. While those things are not physical resource they are definitely important for our mental health and well being and I think that is just as an important resource than anything else.

    Should wildlife tourism be discouraged? 71

    Yes, while I think some of the wildlife tourism places can be ethically sound and are areas of refuge and rehabilitation, there are many that are not. I think there needs to be strict guidelines to help prevent exploitation and cruelty to the animals. This could also include limiting the publics excess to them.

    Does nature only hold a "weekend role" in your life?

    Unfortunately, yes. I wish I could get outside into wilderness more often but it is hard for me to find the time. In 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson regretfully acknowledged that nature had become less prominent in the lives of Americans saying that it had been reduced to a weekend role and is not a part of our everyday lives. I think this has gotten even worse today. Loving nature has become a hobby of a fraction of our population. There are many people who would prefer to stay indoors all year long. While I believe everyone is entitled to their own preferences, I think this fact might be one of the reason many people lack empathy for the destruction of nature.

  2. Why does fossil fuel use continue to rise in middle- and low-income countries? 224-5
    Economic Development is a factor when it comes to the rise in middle-low-income countries because they rely on fossil fuels to power industries, transportation, and infrastructure. These countries most of the time lack the financial resources as well as technology to quickly transition to renewable energies. Fossil fuels are also more affordable for these nations. Another factor would be that these nations' infrastructure were build around the use of fossil fuels and investing in transitioning to renewables would be challenging.

    Who should governments protect in the transition to sustainable energy sources? 227
    Governments should protect low-income households, workers in fossil fuel industries, and marginalized and indigenous communities in the transition to sustainable energy sources. This is because these communities are the most vulnerable during the transition.

    What are some natural climate solutions that can offset fossil fuel pollution? Can we rely mostly on them? 236
    Some natural climate solutions Greta mentions are reforestation and afforestation, restoring wetlands and mangroves, sustainable agriculture and soil management, and protecting biodiversity. Thunberg does emphasize however that we cannot solely rely on these solutions because they are not nearly enough to offset the fossil fuel emissions in our atmosphere.

  3. Nature is not an “it” and is an “us”. People tend to have the misconception that nature and people are different things but everything is made of the same atoms and molecules.

    On the case of politicians caring about wilderness. No. None of them care about any harm caused to animals because a lot of them are all about big companies and oil expanding.

    I recently watched The Wild Robot and I have a discussion question from it:
    “Do you think technology and ai could help us work towards a more sustainable future?”

  4. fossil fuels are cheaper and are typically found in lower income society's. The most vulnerable populations should be protected as they can do much less to prevent catastrophe in their country. preservation of forests, and using other things other than wood.
