Sunday, October 6, 2024

Questions OCT 8

Midterm report presentations - Jonathan Keith, Eli Kersey

  1. "Land is resilient, like people." 95 Are we as resilient as land? Would we be moreso, if we lived closer to it?
  2. Should industrial agriculture be allowed to get away with calling itself "regenerative"? 97
  3. COMMENT?: "Foods are enriched because they are impoverished." 99
  4. What do you think of Polyface Farm? 10
  5. COMMENT?: "It is not the land that is broken, but our relationship to it." 103
  6. Do you compost? What's been your experience with that? 104-5
  7. Do you feel like a supra-organism? 105
  8. What does it say about our bio-illiteracy that we have a stock expression denigrating "lowly worms"?
  9. How does shifting from seeing scarcity to seeing abundance depend on imagination? 109
  10. A Berry not Wendell says we've become an extractive species because we see ourselves as "transcendent"... 114 Do you see yourself that way? How do we get our feet back on the ground?*
  1. Economic growth since '92 has brought what major advantage? 240
  2. What does Greta think would be a forward (r)evolutionary step for humanity that would give our lives more meaning? 241
  3. How much land area is used to nurture livestock? 245 (Mind blown?)
  4. What would result from more of us adopting a plant-based diet? 247 How much greater an environmental impact can meat-based diets have? 248 How much might it reduce greenhouse gas emissions? 251
  5. What is sustainable intensification? 253
  6. What important first step can we make, as individuals, towards reforming the future of farming? 255
  7. What three branches of heavy industry contribute 70% of industrial CO2 emissions? 256

  1. What author's exploits helped give birth the radical green activist groups like "Earth First!"? 413
  2. What is it no longer easy to get away from on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon? 420 What does Abbey say car-bound tourists are robbing themselves of? 426 How far apart does he think we should live? 433
  3. What's one of the few global statistics heading in the right direction? 434
  4. What sort of freedom results from "the logic of the commons"? 439, 450
  5. Post your comments...



*“The destiny of humans cannot be separated from the destiny of earth.”

“We see quite clearly that what happens
to the nonhuman happens to the human.
What happens to the outer world
happens to the inner world.
If the outer world is diminished in its grandeur
then the emotional, imaginative,
intellectual, and spiritual life of the human
is diminished or extinguished.
Without the soaring birds, the great forests,
the sounds and coloration of the insects,
the free-flowing streams, the flowering fields,
the sight of the clouds by day
and the stars at night, we become impoverished
in all that makes us human.”

From here on, the primary judgment of all human institutions, professions, programs and activities will be determined by the extent to which they inhibit, ignore, or foster a mutually-enhancing human/Earth relationship.”
― Thomas Berry


  1. COMMENT?: "Foods are enriched because they are impoverished." 99
    I think this is a very true and very heavy statement. Our crops are enriched because we cannot naturally produce the magnitude of crops we need to sustain our population. Our crops are impoverished because there is too much stress put on the land the soils are leached of nutrients which produce less nutrient dense crops.

    COMMENT?: "It is not the land that is broken, but our relationship to it." 103
    This quote goes hand and hand with the one above. Our demands for the land have grown larger than the land can sustain. It isn't the land that is faulty it is our expectations of it.

    What three branches of heavy industry contribute 70% of industrial CO2 emissions? 256

    Steel, cement, chemicals.

  2. Economic growth since '92 has brought what major advantage? 240

    The major advantage of economic growth since '92 is the improved standard of living and the advancement in technology. She does however argue that this economic growth has brought environmental degradation on the other hand.

    What is sustainable intensification? 253

    Sustainable intensification is a method of increasing production in agriculture while decreasing the environmental impact. The practices mentioned would conserve resources, reduce pollution, and maintain biodiversity all while using the same amount of land used before.

    What three branches of heavy industry contribute 70% of industrial CO2 emissions? 256

    The three branches include steel, cement, and chemicals because they are highly energy-intensive and are produced through the use of fossil fuels. Greta stresses the need for shifts and innovation in methods of production for these branches of heavy industry.

  3. Foods are enriched because they are impoverished - I believe this to be true. Humanity works to enrich food in order to work with how little we can truly produce on such a wide scale.

    This leads into the next comment on “It is not the land that is broken”, land always finds a way to recover. No matter what humans do to it, whether it be a year or millions, land will always create more soil and exhibit processes to make it pure through weather and fire.

    I do want to ask people about the new hurricane in the gulf. Do you guys think that climate change is showing its true force through these rapid fire hurricanes?

    1. This is Aidan Haines by the way.

  4. the major advantage of growth since 92' is the overall reduction of absolute poverty, but also the degradation of the environment. 80% of the land is used for agriculture according to GT. Sustainable intensification means using the already existing land to create more food productiojn while limitingt the enviromental impact.

  5. sorry for the typos *production, *limiting
