Monday, February 11, 2019

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate

Change is ESSENTIAL!by: Tiara Ashley Brown

This is another book that caught my interest because of such valid arguments mentioned. Naomi Klein gave her input on ways to solve climate change. She gave numbers and hard on facts on how it would benefit the human race on the end. Throughout reading the book, I could do nothing but agree with the majority of her statements. Some may have been a bit debatable; however, most of her words were factual.

At first, I didn't understand capitalism prior to this book. With my understanding now, this will always being a growing problem as I mentioned before. Most of them wouldn't really pay attention to adverse effects because they see a way on how they can benefit from using fossil fuels. If we take a look at the oil project in Alberta, Canada, it is described as the largest in the world. Many people would leave their families to go there to work just to stack money and carry it back home. One employee made 1 million dollars in the range of 4-5 years of working. If this is the salary of a regular employee, What does the brains of this project is making annually?

Capitalism will always win before the climate does because of the money and people with high power involved. After watching the film based on the book, I learned that there are scientist that believe the Earth is a machine and we are only in charge of it. They believe that we can do whatever we want to Earth because humans are in control. Because people followed this theory for years, we have had so many catastrophic events. This is earth response to us thinking that we're in "control" of what happens. We have done so much damage, I believe it's best we let nature take its place and we start all over again and learn from our mistakes.

Scientist now believe that we can spray chemicals in the air to lower global temperatures because we can't let global temperatures rise about 2°C. This is frivolous. With some research behind this, it may be able to work. In contrast, I would prefer this not to happen because I don't think we should try fix global temperatures by polluting the air. It may not affect us now but it will later on.

We need to change the way we do things on earth, especially industry wise. We need to learn how to live for us and the environment. We need to expand our knowledge more on solar technology, wind power, hydroelectricity etc. Instead of destroying the environment while using it, let's have a mutualistic relationship with the Earth. The earth is not a machine we can control. It is a beautiful place we live and we have to try our best to keep it way instead of taking it for granted.

I would highly recommend this book to every but specifically to the major industrial companies so they can understand what going on and carefully consider ways to change their actions.


  1. In short, Klein's view is that we need to put people and the long-term interests of the planet ahead of private, short-term profit. She's an impassioned polemical writer but I have a hard time finding fault with her general analysis. I'm not holding my breath, though, that representatives of the fossil fuel industry will read it and suddenly see the light! But if enough of us do, and engage in the political process to support those in office who do, who knows what change might come?

    Madison commented on this book earlier, maybe the two of you can compare notes...

  2. Also, be watching for posts from your new virtual "classmate" Madison S. I hope the three of you will find an opportunity to converse in this forum.

  3. Great post, Tiara! I just wrapped up this book also and agree with your perspective. However, though renewable energy sources are significantly less destructive in comparison to fossil fuels, they also hold their own flaws. I found Klein's work to reflect the idea that an overall decrease in energy consumption is our best bet for survival, as opposed to just moving to renewables. What is your take on this?

  4. I agree that we should decrease energy consumption as well, it's one of our only ways to survive at this point. But that's almost impossible at this point, the only way to help is to promote renewable energy. I agree also that they have flaws but I dont think it can be as big of an impact on the environment like fossil fuels.
