Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Denying it doesn't make it stop

but neither does ignoring it.
Obama is a global warming “believer” but has provided little substance to back his conviction and seldom talks about it. Romney, on the other hand, presents a wavering, sometimes mocking assessment on the severity of the issue.
In nearly four years in office, Obama has occasionally paid lip service to the “threat of climate change”, but has yet to use his bully pulpit to lay out the scientific case in a high-profile setting. He once in a while mentions climate change in passing, but has yet to discuss its causes, the evidence, and potential impacts in detail.
As a perfect example, at a speech in Charlottesville, Va. last week, Obama’s token reference to climate change was: “Denying climate change doesn’t make it stop.”
Obama has passed up opportunity after opportunity to discuss climate change science, including during his last State of the Union address...
Obama and Romney on climate change science - Capital Weather Gang - The Washington Post

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