Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Religious Effect on Our Environment

For the first part of my blog report, I would like to discuss the possible correlation between religion and our environmentally ethical behaviors. The Divine Command Theory states that our ethical reasoning is based off of what religious practices we partake in. It makes me curious enough to ask, what religions create the most environmentally ethical people? For the sake of me honestly not wanting to research all of the different types of religions, I am going to focus on the current state of our Government’s religious make-up.

According to the Huffington Post, in 2015, Nearly 92% of our Government identified with practicing Christianity, and I think it is safe to say that we can see how our Government is handling climate change (Blumberg, 2015). In all honestly, our government will claim they are willing to “make the change,” but what actions are they really taking to pull through with these ideas? Any actions they are willing to take seem to cause conflict with impeding on the freedom of the individuals residing in this country.

So, what do these numbers really prove? Do they prove that our Government is filled with greedy individuals who do not care about our environment or does it give us a glimpse into understanding that religion is only a label that we identify with in order to pretend we believe in something that will make our true character shine a little brighter? Our Government has its own agenda, and it is not to preserve the Earth we live on. They are more concerned with their status and how they are perceived by the masses. They are comfy where they are, and they are not willing to move to make the appropriate changes that are necessary to sustain life on Earth.

Is there a correlation between the two? I think the values have a correlation, but whether or not these values are being instilled into individuals is an entirely different story. Religion is meant to be a guide for individuals to utilize in order to help them understand how to “live appropriately.” However, the majority of individuals live without truly following these guides they claim to live by. For my next blog post, I would like to discuss how human nature alone affects how we value our environment and straying away from religion altogether.

Blumberg, A. (2015, January 5). A Look At The Religious Make-Up Of The 114th Congress. Retrieved from Huffington Post:

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