Friday, October 12, 2018

Quiz Oct 17

LEN 7-9. Presentations: Amber, "Staying with the Trouble" by Donna J. Haraway; Max, "Man Cave: A One-Man Sci-Fi Climate Change Tragicomedy (Annotated)" by Timothy Mooney

1. The dairy cow's bleating reminds Cheryl of what film (based on a great novel by William Styron)?

2. Nature did not envision what human practice?

3. Cheryl's friend says 15 acres of her farm is what?

4. What % of American milk producers participate in FARM?

5. Cheryl resolves to be a consumer of what?

6. What are Magic Beans?

7. What's a major concern of anti-GMO activists?

8. What did Cheryl do when she worked at an oil company?

9. What caused outrage over Golden Rice?

10. Why does the nursery appear to Cheryl a "battlefield of desire"?

11. How much food do Americans throw away each year?

12. How does Cheryl describe modern landfills? How do sanitary landfills impede natural recycling?

13. What does aerobic decomposition require? How does it differ from anaerobic decomposition?

14. What does the perspective of a human lifespan fail to appreciate?

Discussion Questions

  • Add yours
  • Should I feel guilty about my preference for almond milk, given the quantities of water in drought-prone regions required to produce it? Do you feel guilty about any of your food preferences? Should you?
  • Given recent reports affirming the climate harm caused by carnivores, are you willing to consider going vegan?
  • Is it bad that we anthropomorphize, when thinking of nonhuman species?
  • Is it bad that we treat pets differently than feed animals?
  • Do you appreciate "what needs to happen to stock the shelves at [your] grocery store? If you did, would your eating habits alter?
  • "Do you know any of the people who planted, raised, harvested, prepared, cooked, or assembled" your favorite restaurant meals? 99
  • Why is it so hard to live up to our "idealistic intentions"?
  • Is the feeling of human dominion ("God has entrusted us with the land and animals") good for land and the animals?
  • Is Monsanto a monster, a benefactor, both, neither,..?
  • Do you sympathize with the environmental compliance manager? 106
  • What's your view of GMOs? Can you understand the other POV?
  • Do you compost? If not, what's stopping you?
  • Do you finish your restaurant meals? Do you feel bad about contributing to food waste?


  1. Alternative quiz questions:

    1) What is the name of the ancient Mayan site used as a garbage dump? (1667)
    2) What is our modus operandi for over 200,000 years? (1650)
    3) Where is the Mbeubeuss dump located? (1642)
    4) What book gives land fill archeologists the name, “garbologists”? (1633)
    5) How tall does Cheryl say the landfill on Staten Island is? (1585)
    6) Who is the first and most devoted recycler? (1585)
    7) Why is Cheryl relived to discover about brown-thumb challenged people? (1618)
    8) What does Cheryl see the merit in? (1618)

    1) How does Cheryl define anthropomorphizing? What does she say she is anthropomorphizing?
    2)What about nature never ceases to amaze her?
    3)Who is Krista Stauffer?
    4) Who is Monsanto? Why does Cheryl dislike them so much?
    5) What creepy suspicion does Cheryl have about Monsanto and their kind?
    6) What does "diversion rate" mean according to Cheryl?
    7) What goal set by the city of LA gives Cheryl even more hope?

  3. Max McConnell
    1. What does 110% of Cheryl want to believe about the dairy cow’s bleating? Pg 88 That the video of the mournful mama is a trumped-up vegan play to make cheese lovers feel guilty.
    2. For what “compassionate reason” do dairy farmers separate calves from their mothers so quickly for? Pg 89 The longer they stay together, the more the mother mourns after they are separated.
    3. What never ceases to amaze Cheryl? Pg 90 Nature’s efficiency and foresight, seeing to every detail.
    4. How many dairy cows are in California alone? Pg 90 -1,738,090
    5. Why does Monsanto buy up regional seed companies? Pg 105 to shut them down.
    6. What causes Cheryl to shake her fist when she reads “GMO” in the subject line of any email blast? Pg 109 Her profound distrust of the Big Six
    7. What does Cheryl say could be her meditation for the day if she practices deep breathing while she does it? Pg 113 peeling an orange
    8. Who is Earth’s first and most devoted recycler? Pg 114 Nature

  4. I also have a proclivity for almond milk, I prefer the cruelty-free nature of it. I joke with my friends about “milking” the almonds by their little tips. When Cheryl describes her protective nature for calves and their mothers, I could relate. We are also the only species to drink milk past infancy. It’s not really natural, but I think nut milk is a really great substitute. Almond milk also has more calcium than cow’s milk. I also don’t like to eat eggs or dairy meat, but I can be tempted by crab meat or shrimp. So, I guess my dietary ethic can be skewed, since I have eaten chicken and steak but I’d prefer to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts and dates.

  5. My family composts, I feel better about reusing my food to feed the earth instead of throwing it in the trash. We just use the plastic bags that are supplied by the grocery store to put the fruits or vegetables and then after a week or so of collecting food we put it in a green container in the backyard. It’s raised a little off the ground; I don’t really know why, but it’s good to have for our garden in June.
