Monday, October 22, 2018

Quiz Oct 24

LEN 13-15 (after catching up on 10-12). Presentations Rosemarie Kuenn, State of Fear by Michael Crichton; Baylee Burk, Odds Against Tomorrow by Nathaniel Rich; Abigail Redman, "The wind-up Girl" by Paolo Bacigalupi

1. What's become of Atlantic cod?

2. Who were the codfish aristocracy?

3. Who certifies sustainable fishing practices? What do critics say about that?

4. Name a couple of Cheryl's "sacrifices"?

5. What does Cheryl's pounding heart tell her?

6. How do almonds compare to other food products, in water required for production?

7. What are some health and ecological benefits of almonds?

8. What does methane do 20x more effectively than CO2?

9. How many straws do we throw away each year?

10. What's the BAN list, and what's atop it?

11. How much plastic is in the ocean, with what results for marine life?

12. Why does Bayan Slat disagee with "Think global, act local"?

13. What more is there to a stainless steel straw than Cheryl realized?

  • Do you have any favorite food memories from childhood that now give you pangs of conscience?
  • Do you regret having been raised (if you were) on a diet formed by corporate interests like McDonalds and other fast-food and processed-food enterprises, and by a system of industrially-driven agribusiness? Have you or will you raise your children differently?
  • Have you read Michael Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma, Cooked, Food Rules, or other books on environmentally-conscientious eating? What do you think of Pollan's food mantra: "Eat food, mostly plants, not too much"?
  • Do you research "what's ecologically responsible to buy," look for certifying labels, etc.? Will you?
  • Is "greenwashing" real? How do you avoid it?
  • What does "sustainable" mean to you?
  • Do you consume fast food? Is it possible to do so with a clear ecological conscience. when considering "how much land, fertilizer, fossil fuels" etc. go into its production?
  • Is it bad parenting, and bad citizenship, to buy Happy Meals for your children?
  • Is nostalgia for unwittingly bad food choices misplaced? Can we create the same feeling for better choices?
  • Are you making any sacrifices for the planet? 169
  • Do you wish you'd been born in a more benighted era, when nobody suspected that our various consumer habits might be bad for the environment?
  • Do you question the morality of bringing children into the world, these days?
  • Do you ever think about trees? How do you feel about them?


  1. 1. I think it’s well and good to have our fast food in moderation, but I prefer home cooked meals. I don’t even mind cooking or cleaning. The nutritional value of a hamburger and fries is limiting but delicious. Just as I type this I feel a pang of conscience. I didn’t know about the fast food industry’s unethical treatment of bovines as a child but now I would feel better now eating a salad with juice instead. I’m just lucky my family believes in moderation of fast food as well and I did not have the problem of childhood obesity growing up!
    2.It’s bad parenting when you enable your children to proceed through life with bad eating habits and giving them a predisposition for diabetes, but that usually happens when we excessively eat food with no nutritional value without moderation. I think children enjoy happy meals but it’s a better choice to give substitutions for unhealthy options: juice instead of soda, apple slices instead of fries, and make unhealthy eating a very limited thing.
    Reading this chapter makes me want to buy reusable straws.

  2. Max McConnell
    1. Who created the Filter-O-Fish? Lou Groen
    2. According to the critics of the MSC, why have they compromised their standards? Pg 162 to keep up with the demand created by Walmart and other big retailers that sell MSC certified fish
    3. According to Cheryl, how long are the longest fishing lines used on some Canadian MSC certified fishing vessels? Pg 162 up to 40 miles
    4. What does Cheryl initially vow to live in peaceful ignorance about? Pg 169 The negative impacts of almond milk, whatever they are.
    5. About how much land is dedicated to almond farming in California? Pg 172 about 800,000 acres
    6. What is the biggest consumer of agricultural water in California? Pg 178 Alfalfa
    7. What does Cheryl say is the most dangerous place in the world? Pg 179 Her own mind
    What two young people specifically give Cheryl hope? Pg 199 Milo Cress and Boylan Slat.
