Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Message from the Future III


 How would I describe 2020? Well several things come to mind. We had a president who denied climate change, pulled out of the Paris Accord, withdrew from WHO during a global pandemic, didn’t condemn white supremacy, who encouraged hate and violence, and a man who divided the American people. 

Coronavirus plagued the world and the United States saw more deaths of COVID than any other country in the world. (https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality )

We had no other option than to close schools, shut down businesses, and live with a scary new normal. Not only did people lose their jobs and homes, they also lost loved one to a virus that could have been under control before it got out of hand. Many people stayed quarantined in their homes for over a year and only going out when needing food. Most businesses required masks and this became the new norm.

 Climate change had been talked about constantly and the next president Biden had made climate change among his top priorities. Entering back in the Paris Accord was just the beginning. After Biden won, it took awhile for people to understand the extreme impacts of climate change and what it means to take action. Within a few years, I went from hearing barely anyone talk about the seriousness of climate change, to it being a topic that was apart of daily discussion. 

Biden takes office in beginning of 2021 but his presidency is largely a return to the status quo. As a country it’s going to take time to move in a progressive direction but we achieved what you probably thought not possible. People are now actively working towards fixing problems instead of maximizing profits. Making peoples lives collectively better instead of the privileged few. 

The past narrative in the country is divided but you should have high hopes. Hope that we can come together and overcome this inability to come together and solve these colossal problems that have been here for so long. We have overcome so much and we will continue to. 

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