Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Message From The Future III

 The other day, one of my kids asked for some help with their homework. It was for their history class. Their assignment was to pick one of the many movements/events/tragedies that occured in 2020 and to present it to the class. My child said to me, “I am not sure what to choose because there is so much that happened I can't even remember it all!” and then they proceeded to ask me what I remember from that year. Unfortunately, I remember it all. 

It started with wildfires and possible wars with other countries, then from an extra week of spring break, to getting involved with the Black Lives Matter Movement, to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, to still not being able to go about “normal” life in December because America couldn't get it together. This goes for Covid-19, politically, environmentally, everything really. But thankfully, we have moved on from that time to be where we are today. 

Covid-19 took the world by storm. Killed millions of people and sadly, America was the last to get their act together. Unfortunately, what started as a deadly pandemic, somehow turned political. It was sad to see so many people be so careless when it came to keeping others safe. People having to be laid to rest in refrigerated trucks in parking lots while others decided it was okay to go to brunch. It was also so sad to see the government practically ignore the millions of people who were hurting from the pandemic. Many lost their homes, couldn't feed their families all while the government was just concerned about the economy. Luckily, after over a year of having to go through that, the government gave the people what they deserved. We finally went into a proper lockdown, people were given a correct amount of stimulus from the government in order to afford not going to work, no one was allowed to be evicted, and we all were able to wait patiently for a vaccine that luckily has proven to be effective. All of this was no thanks to the Trump administration however. 

After Trump finally acknowledged Biden's victory of the 2020 elections, he vanished. Never to be heard from again. Although Biden was not what many of us had hoped for in the beginning of the election, he still was a move in the right direction from what we had previously had to deal with. After Biden we finally had our first female president, President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She really helped to get us to where we are today. Although the Green New Deal did not get the support that was needed, it however led to The New Green Deal which has helped our environment greatly. It is often hard to think back to a time when we all took the Earth for granted the way we did. I am sure to remind my kids that we are fortunate to have been given the opportunity to live somewhere so wonderful. 

Along with environmental movements, after a while we finally started to rebuild a better system overall. Our previous system oppressed too many people. People of color, people of certain socioeconomic status, people of certain genders, overall just too many people. After a long hard fight that in reality lasted hundreds of years, we are finally moving in the fight direction. I have shown my kids some photos of what those times were like, specifically what fighting in 2020 looked like. I have included some in this letter to hopefully ignite something in you, whoever is reading this. A part of me is glad I had the opportunity to have seen that year for myself. As it was a turning point in the world's history. I once read a quote by Nikola Tesla that said, “you will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension” That quote embodies what 2020 was like for so many and it reminds me of what humans have overcome. 

I would like to end this letter by sharing a bit of advice to you. The future that is. 

Love. That is the answer. It really is quite that simple. Whatever it is you or someone else is facing, that is the answer. And I know it sounds cheesy, but it has never seemed to fail me. Love those who surround you. Love the earth for what it has given to you. Just love.

A look into 2020:


  1. It's not all we need, but we all need a lot more of it.

    1. And Wendell Berry has a poem about that:

      Love the world. Work for nothing.
      Take all that you have and be poor.
      Love someone who does not deserve it...
