Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Questions NOV 21

MacA Part IV-Assessing the End of the World. McK Barbara Kingsolver, Michael Pollan

NOV 21 

  • MacA Part IV-Assessing the End of the World - Katherine Welch
  • McK Barbara Kingsolver, Michael Pollan - Jonathan Keith
  • ...Chelsie Gordon
  1. What can't Barbara Kingsolver forget about the paper she writes on? 941
  2. About what does Kingsolver agree with Annie Dillard 943
  3. What's been our natural habitat since 1996? 945  What has our "exodus" taken from us? What does wildness do for us? 946-7
  4. What does Michael Pollan's Second Nature say about wildness? 948
  5.  The modern Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) depends on a "sea" of what? 949  What "logic" supports this? 951
  6. To what is the health of livestock inextricably linked?  How much E-coli bacteria is fatal to ingest? 957
  7. Why isn't corn as cheap as it seems? What does it do to a cow? 958-9


  1. What was MacA's mentor Parfit's primary moral concern? What new area of moral philosophy did it inspire? What'ss Parfit's (and MacA's)  central claim? 168-9
  2. What is the intuition of neutrality? What observation does MacA say contradicts it? 171-2
  3. What do sci-fi time travel scenarios like Back to the Future often suppose, and what do they rarely consider? What's an example of how we radically change the course of history? 174-5
  4. What is the Repugnant Conclusion?  The Dominance Addition? 180-1 The Sadistic Conclusion? 185
  5. Why does MacA consider anti-natalism a mistake? 187f. What does he think we should hope about future civilization? 189
  6. COMMENT?: Schopenhauer's and Benatar's statements? 192
  7. Do you (would you) consider hypothetical supra-humans our descendants? 193
  8. How much of their day do survey respondents say they would prefer to skip? How many said their lives contain more happiness than suffering? 198-9  How about you?
  9. What US demographic has gotten less happy over time? 205  Why do you think that is?
  10. Would you take the deathbed option? 212, 216
  11. COMMENT?: "Although they are rare in the population as a whole, malevolent, sadistic, or psychopathic actors may be disproportionately likely to gain political power..." 219

More than 200 health professionals say Trump has ‘malignant narcissism’ in open letter

George Conway-led Pac questions Republican nominee’s mental fitness for office in full-page New York Times ad

An anti-Trump political group organized a letter signed by more than 200 mental health professionals, warning that Donald Trump is dangerous because of “his symptoms of severe, untreatable personality disorder – malignant narcissism”, which makes him “grossly unfit for leadership”.

Less than two weeks before the presidential election, the group bought a full-page ad styled as an open letter in the New York Times on Thursday, arguing that the Republican nominee for the White House is “an existential threat to democracy” in the US... (continues)


  1. COMMENT?: "Although they are rare in the population as a whole, malevolent, sadistic, or psychopathic actors may be disproportionately likely to gain political power..." 219

    I think this is a very true and very scary fact about our society. I think their lack of empathy allows them to justify the means and surpass more well intentioned individuals who might not have as low standards for morality.

  2. Do you (would you) consider hypothetical supra-humans our descendants? 193
    I thought that this was a really interesting concept. When we think about the fact that our original ancestors are no longer around due to how we've evolved, it's not impossible to think that the human race could see another evolution that leaves ours behind.

    How much of their day do survey respondents say they would prefer to skip? How many said their lives contain more happiness than suffering? 198-9 How about you?
    Participants said that they would choose to skip 40% of their day. 40% said that their lives contained more happiness than suffering. It's hard to say how I feel because each day is a different experience. I would say that it is mostly 50/50, but there are days that I would choose to completely forget and days that I want to keep forever.

  3. I find it sort of humorous that medical professionals have said that Trump has a “malignant narcissism” almost as if it’s a disease in need of curing. I agree with their assessment, his narcissism could destroy him from the inside out and ruin his ability to be respected anywhere.

  4. Its made out of dead trees. She doesn't feel like she looks out as much as nature looks in. being mostly urban, its taken away what trees consist of. The wilderness puts us in our place.
