Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Surviving a Second Trump Term | Pith in the Wind | Nashville News | nashvillescene.com

A survival guide for living in a theocracy of hypocrites and dumbasses.


1 comment:

  1. An interesting read for sure. While I understand the point I'm not sure how effective it is as a survival guide. It didn't actually provide many tips. Rather it made me more doom and gloom than before I read it.

    However I understand the point, as liberal Tennesseans we've been putting up with a lot of insane politics for a while now so we may be better equip to handle what's coming. Personally, that doesn't make it any less terrifying.

    I have however had well intentioned friends from more progressive countries reach out to me in fear for my well being and safety and I have told them that I am kinda used to it and am fairly confident that I will be okay.
