Monday, September 16, 2024

Midterm report presentations

If your name is not here and you don't have a preference (or if your preferences were already taken), I'll assign your report topic & date by Monday the 16th.

Everyone will do a midterm report presentation (and later a final report presentation.)

We'll do one or two report presentations per class (each followed by discussion). Tell us something about your topic that we won't have read in our assigned texts, and prompt us with a discussion question or two. Indicate your topic and date preference (and a 2d choice, just in case) in the comments space below beginning Sep 10. (If you don't indicate a preference, I'll assign a date and topic.) 

Your topic should relate to something in the day's assigned texts. Check the syllabus (below*) and coordinate with classmates to avoid redundancy.

First come, first served.

If you're presenting on a nice Fall day, consider taking us outside. Try not to rely on powerpoint (etc.)  technology (but if you do, post a link to the presentation on our site in advance.)


19 - Eli Miller

24 - Christina Guest

26 - Alex Wiseman; Gray Fogo (or Oct 3)


1 - Chelsie Gordon, Aidan Haines

3 - Audrey Lewis

8 - Jonathan Keith, Eli Kersey

10 - Exam 1

17 - Katherine Welch; Nathan Ruppel

22 - Gary Wedgewood

24 - Martin Stricklin

29 - Molly Carico



19 GT 3.1--3.7 (thru Food & Nutrition). WW 157-188 (thru Crisis Capitalism). McK thru Donald Culross Peattie. Midterm report presentations begin.

24 GT 3.8--3.14 (thru Winter...). WW 189-225 (thru History After Progress). McK thru Aldo Leopold.

26 PH -33 Foreword... Oceans. GT 3.15--3.20 (thru True Cost...). WW 226-265. McK thru E.B. White.

1 PH -61 Forests. GT 4.1--4.5 (thru Persistence of Fossil Fuels). McK thru Rachel Carson. Midterm report Presentations continue.

3 PH -93 Wilding. GT 4.6--4.9 (thru Drawdown Technologies). McK thru Lynn White Jr. 

8 PH -115 Land. GT 4.10--4.14 (thru Mapping Emissions). McK thru Garrett Hardin. 

10 Exam 1.

15 PH -147 People. GT 4.15--4.17 (thru Future Electric). McK thru Joseph Lelyveld. 

17 PH -169 The City. GT 4.18--4.22 (thru Myth of Recycling). McK thru Wendell Berry. 

22 PH -191 Food. GT 4.23--4.27 (thru Perception Gap). McK thru Amory Lovins.

24 PH -213 Energy. GT 5.1--5.5 (thru Changing Diets).GT 5.6--5.9 (thru Practical Utopias). McK thru Wes Jackson.

29 PH -255 Industry, Action + Connection, Afterword. GT 5.10--5.14 (thru Lessons from the Pandemic). McK thru William Cronon. Midterm report presentations conclude.


  1. I would like to do my report presentation on Sept. 26, covering the beginning of Paul Hawken's book Regeneration. I want to expand upon his writing of the world's oceans, and talk more about the recent developments of climate action in relation to revitalizing the world's waterways.

    Post by Alex Wiseman

  2. September 26th on E.B White from American Earth and the habit of complacency to unconventional things relating to the degradation of the environment.


    October 3rd on Paul Hawken's wilding.

  3. Please wait until Tuesday to declare your preferences, as it says above: "...beginning Sep 10"

  4. I would like to do the Myth of Recycling on October 17th.

  5. I would like to do mapping emissions on October 8th
    (Jonathan Keith)

  6. I would like October 17th on the myth of recycling, or October 22nd, food, both on PFAS chemicals.

  7. (Martin Stricklin) would like to try Paul Hawken’s Energy on October 24th on alternative energy sources

  8. I would like to do my presentation on Sept 24th to expand on Thunberg and Wallace-Wells’ ideas of Environmental Disparities and how these affect different groups of people based on their locations and demographics.

  9. I would like to present October 1st when we are discussing forests. I would like to expand on the importance of trees and discuss individuals such as John Muir and Gifford Pinchot and the significance of the National Parks and US Forest Service.

  10. Hello all! I am just here to say that I do not have a preference and would like to be assigned a topic for this presentation.

    1. I'll put you down for October 3 on Wilding or on Drawdown technologies (or something else you can relate to that day's reading).

  11. I would like to present the effectiveness of sustainable lifestyle changes on Oct. 29

  12. Anyone else, before I finalize the lineup Monday?

  13. I would Like to present October 10th

  14. I would like to do the 10th

  15. I will be talking about why the Anthropocene is important not only to name the first period of visible human effects on the earth but how its important for future generations.

    1. I want to talk about the ethics of extremism when it comes to ocean preservation actually

    2. I scheduled you, Eli, based on your earlier indication that you wanted to do crisis capitalism. That's on the syllabus for Thursday.

      The 10th is exam day, we can't be sure there will be time for your presentation as well. I hope you'll plan to stick with your original assignment.

  16. I’m not exactly sure how the topics work or where they’re listed, I may just want to be assigned a topic. If possible, a topic involving climate?

    1. I have you down for Oct. 1. Take a look, see if you can identify a topic from the syllabus material that day.

    2. Note Chelsie's topic above, coordinate to be sure you're not redundant.

  17. I have no preference

    1. I have you down for Oct. 8. Take a look, see if you can identify a topic from the syllabus material that day.

    2. Note Jonathan's topic above, coordinate to be sure you're not redundant.
