Monday, September 16, 2024

Silent Solar; Not so silent Vance

Good news, under the radar

Not perhaps a week for good news—not with Donald Trump trying to initiate a pogrom in Ohio (and the Secret Service protecting him from a crazy rightwinger). Not with insane floods across central Europe where the blue Danube is now a raging brown monster, or in the Lake Chad region where hundreds are dead.

But there's something else going on behind the scenes—silently. And it's happening in places where people need it most. 

Solar panels have, over the last months, suddenly gotten so cheap that they're now appearing in massive numbers across much of the developing world. Without waiting for what are often moribund utilities to do the job, business and home owners are getting on with electrifying their lives, and doing it cleanly... 

Bill McKibben 
This is more about the media/political environment: 

Propaganda Literacy

Even as Ohio’s Republican Governor Mike DeWine has defended the vast majority of the state’s Haitian population, while recognizing serious issues related to the surge of newcomers, Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, has double downed on his calls to “fellow patriots” to “keep the cat memes flowing” - stoking sufficient fear and hatred in pursuit of the White House that bomb threats continue and racist Proud Boys have reportedly showed up in Springfield. And Haitian residents are living in fear.

With all of this in mind, I thought it worth highlighting a Sustain What conversation I had in December 2020, as then-President Trump pushed his “stop the steal” election lies and laid the foundation for the January 6 insurrection. My guest was University of Rhode Island communications professor Renee Hobbs, who teaches propaganda literacy, is the author of a fantastic guide book, Mind Over Media: Propaganda Education in a Digital Age, and has built a priceless suite of online learning tools to explore and share. Here’s a book excerpt!

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