Thursday, September 19, 2024

Questions SEP 19

GT 3.1--3.7 (thru Food & Nutrition). WW 157-188 (thru Crisis Capitalism). McK thru Donald Culross Peattie. Midterm report presentations begin... 


  1. Greta says the climate crisis is symptomatic of what larger crisis? 132
  2. What did the WHO director say is our rationale for creating conditions that threaten epidemic, mass migration,  and climate stress? 133
  3. What are some actions that both contribute towards the UN's sustainability goals and improve health? 135
  4.  How many more heat-related deaths are projected by the end of the century, if emissions persist and no adaptation occurs? 137
  5. What's the lethal "wet bulb" temperature? 138
  6. Meeting the Paris Agreement emissions targets in the next half century would have what result? 142
  7. Where might climate change spread malaria and dengue? 145
  8. What common practice is an unfortunate illustration of "survival of the fittest" in action? 147
  9. What is the field of planetary health teaching us? 149
  10. What animal populations have been especially decimated since 1970? 150
  11. Please post your discussion questions in the comments space below.
  1. Why does W-W think there's so much fictional apocalypse in pop culture? What may such stories become, as climate change expands? 157-160
  2. Why doesn't Amitav Ghosh think we'll probably never have a "great climate novel"? 160-1 What's the best cli-fi you've read? (For me it's Overstory and Bewilderment by Richard Powers, and I'm looking forward to Playground... and Kim Stanley Robinson's Ministry for the Future.)
  3. Who are the "stakeholders" in the status quo of industrial capitalism, and what complicates the impulse to villainize the oil companies? 163
  4. Where is climate denial not a problem? 164
  5. What's misleading about climate "parables" involving polar bears and coral reefs? What "pathetic fallacy" do they encourage? How have plastic and bees exemplified "red herring" parables? 165-7
  6. Why have floods elsewhere in the world "hardly made a mark" in the U.S. and Europe?  168
  7. What new message have climate scientists only recently been comfortable with, as they've overcome their "reticence"?  173
  8. Which of the cognitive biases named on 174-5 do you consider most responsible for our collective failure to address climate change? 
  9. What's the Frankenstein problem? 177
  10. What does Naomi Klein mean by "the shock doctrine"? 179
  11. What is Kids vs. Climate? 184
  12. What are the two proposed "negative emissions" methods, and what is their unfortunate present status? 186-7

  1. What was Benton MacKaye's vision for the AT? 209
  2.  A cosmopolitan city, said MacKaye, is not what? 214-5
  3. In whose memory is the national wildlife refuge on Sanibel Island named? 224
  4. What future did archy predict for Earth? 238


  1. How many more heat-related deaths are projected by the end of the century, if emissions persist and no adaptation occurs?
    If there are no adaptations, heat-related deaths are projected to have an increase of 10x what it previously was. The question is, do policy makers care if it doesn't affect them? At what point do they start to feel that they are in danger and need to adapt? Will they adapt in time?

  2. What is Kids vs. Climate?
    Also known as Juliana v. the United States, this equal-protection lawsuit argued that in failing to take action against global warming, the federal government shifted decade's worth of environmental cost on younger/future generations.

  3. I wish more people would post discussion questions to respond to..

    I do want to respond to the issue of the polar bears in my own ideas however.
    The polar bear and coral reef parables distract us from the real issue that climate change is not just affecting these species, but hurting countless other species as well as humans on a global scale. It’s a sense of escapism, in a way.

    Discussion questions I have for today:

    Have there been any recent breakthroughs in technology to help us with our climate change problems? Do you think AI could be beneficial in any ways in combatting these problems?

    (Because we’ve brought up Mike Pence)
    What is Mike Pence’s stance on climate change? Does he believe in it? What ways may there be to remind people and show that it’s a real problem?

  4. Greta speaks on how she believes some people have more value or more importance regarding who should be helped with climate change. Fundamentally climate causes mass immigration and can effect people in desperate places. heat related deaths could potentially rise 370%
