Questions from Introduction:
August 25 Introduction questions – This Changes Everything.
Don Enss
1. How can you already see the early stages of the climate change process?2. Why did the Copenhagen summit cause such great despair?
3. When historians look back on the past quarter century of international negotiations, what will be the two defining processes?
4. What are the three policy pillars of this era?
Is gloomy picture of our climate real – if so what can anyone do?
Don Enss
In the introduction, Naomi Klein paints a pretty gloomy picture of what is happening to our climate and for individuals who have been following this issue for many years going back to acid-rain destruction of segments of the Black Forest in Germany the images are powerful. . Unfortunately, we sometimes become anesthetized to the images and accept that it’s just part of life and that there isn’t much any one of us can do and we know what she is saying is probably true, but we look around our immediate environment and we don’t see it, so we don’t engage.
People living in Baton Rouge and other parts of Louisiana may be a little more receptive to explanations about global climate change, but unfortunately, too many of them have been inundated by messages from certain groups whose focus is to discredit the scientific basis and support for it and rather than questioning the source, they simply accept it because it is coming from a source that they trust and any rational argument that challenges that trust is discarded.
Several years ago, I traveled to New Orleans Louisiana to see what I could learn about an American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meeting. These meetings are not open to the public, but are open to corporate lobbyists and representatives who sit down with legislators from all fifty states to draft legislation. I got there early enough in the morning before anyone arrived to see who some of the major contributors were. This was right after the BP oil spill and BP was the top contributor. Can you guess why? Also, contributing was the Heartland Institute.
My only suggestion to you is get involved and spread the word – you can make a difference!
Here are a couple of links to consider:
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