Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sept 1 Chap. 3 questions – This Changes Everything

Don Enss

Chapter 3:
1.      What was the one key factor that made the world’s most rapid shift to wind and solar power?
2.      What was the first U.S. city to take steps to reverse privatization of their power systems?
3.      “During good times, it’s easy to deride “big government” and talk about the inevitability of cutbacks. But during disasters, most everyone loses what?
4.      The perception of  _________ – that one set of rules applies to players big and small – has been entirely missing from our collective responses to climate change so far.


1 comment:

  1. 1.)People in cities and towns across the country voting to take back their energy grids from the private corporations that purchased them.
    2.)Boulder Colorado
    3.)"free market religion and wants to know what that their government has their backs"
