Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Alternative Quiz Questions 83-127

Nov 15

1. Within the divided metropolitan and rural regions of Ecotopia, the Survivalists greatly extended many powers of governments of whom? (84)

2. The workers in an Ecotopian enterprise must now all be "partners". This prevents what from happening? (91)

3. Preserved foods come in only three sizes that are labelled by metric contents rather than what? (96)

4. The situation regarding the independence of black communities, though satisfying to many, seemed to others as being what? (98)

5. How is serving a prison sentence in Ecotopia quite different from its equivalent in American prisons? (99-100)

6. Ecotopians are not, contrary to popular belief, headed back towards what? (102)

7. The major thrust of Ecotopian energy research and development has involved two main sources. What are they? (103)

8. What confiscatory laws were implemented for TV stations? (109)

9. Why can't Ecotopian correspondents be stationed in the U.S and  how does this affect the information of U.S. events in Ecotopia? (110)

10. What prevents students from "destroying the school" when they are not under teacher control? (116)

11. How do students learn basic academic skills such as reading and arithmetic despite not having a formal curriculum? (120)

12. What does Weston compare the plants that make extruded houses to? (123)

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