Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Quiz Nov 3

Ch 17-21, Envoi

1. It's been proposed that carbon-capture devices installed on ships could do what?

2. What unexpected development (besides a breakthrough in our understanding of how life might have begun) did the 1953 Miller/Urey experiment lead to?

3. What's the inherent problem with carbon capture and storage in conjunction with power plants?

4. What's Flannery's view of people's reluctance to support refrigeration cubes and wind farms in the Antarctic?

5. What has to happen to sustain an even chance of keeping warming to within 2 degrees centigrade?

6. What's potentially revolutionary about China's pledge to increase its clean energy target?

7. What does India plan to build?

8. What has to happen over the next few decades to some of today's largest corporations including Exxon and Mobil?

9. What delights Flannery when he looks back over the past decade?

10. What does Flannery want young people to know?


  • Cement is a major source of greenhouse gases and a popular major at MTSU ("concrete industry management"). Do you know if MTSU's program addresses this problem? Should students insist that it do so? How?
  • If carbon capture devices aren't voluntarily adopted by private shippers should they be compulsory? Would that have to be legislated? How could the shipping industry's lobbying be countered effectively among legislators?
  • Can you think of any environmentally-based objections to the proposal to create fuel from water and CO2? Or to replicate photosynthesis?
  • Who should pay for the costs of capturing carbon? 174
  • The third way should not "be considered an excuse for failing to reduce emissions as fast as possible," but won't it be? 176
  • Should Antarctica be kept pristine just because it's our last continental wilderness? 182
  • Should we be planning for the next ice age? 183
  • Are you appalled or excited by the idea of storing CO2 as snow at the South Pole? 184
  • Now that you've finished Klein's and Flannery's books, are you hopeful that your voice will make a difference in helping to address and reverse the climate crisis?
  • Do you intend to become involved with any of the" organizations fighting for a better climate" on 214-15? How? Or, why not?
  • Your DQs please


  1. DQ:
    At the beginning of the semester, we talked about our outlooks on Earth's future. After the two books we've read, (how) have those outlooks changed?

  2. Now that you've finished Klein's and Flannery's books, are you hopeful that your voice will make a difference in helping to address and reverse the climate crisis?

    Im hopeful in the sense that if enough people band together and push for something we can always have some hope. But I am hopeful because it seems like more people are migrating towards the cause if you will and thats a positive side

  3. Who should pay for the costs of capturing carbon? 174

    I think noone should because we should look for alternative ways of doing it

  4. Can you think of any environmentally-based objections to the proposal to create fuel from water and CO2? Or to replicate photosynthesis?

    Not off the top of my head but then again That does not mean that they dont exist so getting a whole picture would be nice and to be able to have a good amount of knowledge to make an informed decision. So researching the idea would be the first step and if no objections are held then it may work

  5. Should Antarctica be kept pristine just because it's our last continental wilderness? 182

    I would say yes because its the one place we have not messed up so far outside of the ice melting

  6. Should we be planning for the next ice age? 183

    I think we have more pressing probelms first of all and if we are going to have another ice age soon, then we have no chance anyway, so focus on what we can change now that is more important
