Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Discussion Questions

Are the forced closure and consolidation of all the various businesses described in the book, such as a moratorium on oil, and the consolidation of Sears, Penneys, etc., an example of the extreme measures that we would need to take in order to see real change enacted in our life time? Or is this an overreach of governmental powers into our freedom?

Also, was the forced selling of private homes and property, that Weston compared to the plight of the Japanese Americans, all for the greater good of the society (or even the world?)
As much as I am enamored with the society described by Callenbach, it does seem like the Utopians took some seriously drastic measures to get to where they are. The Utopians developed an entirely new nation with a wildly different set of core philosophical values, and it seems like some people happened to be a victim of geographical circumstance to have their homes taken from them just because they ended up within this nation.

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