Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Alternative Quiz Questions

1. For how many years of indirect isolation have the Ecotopians insisted upon due to a lack of phone service? (3)

2. The Ecotopians' sentimentality about nature has led them to bring what into their trains? (8)

3. What is Callenbach's general impression of many of the Ecotopians in regard to their appearance? (10)

4. What are available free to all in Ecotopia that "lie about the streets by the hundreds"? (14)

5. What is the only metal Ecotopians consider "natural" and why? (23)

6. Supplies for shops, like most goods in Ecotopia, are transported in what? (27)

7. How do Ecotopians get along without the thrills, drama, and suspense provided by our usual methods of entertainment? (39)

8. Despite their general technological austerity, Ecotopians employ what kind of devices even more extensively than we do and what is their reasoning for this?

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