Thursday, August 16, 2012

If people really understood

"that in the lifetime of their children they're going to have destroyed the quality of the air and the water all over the world, they'd do something about it. But this is not well understood."

That was Senator Gaylord Nelson, a different kind of Wisconsin politician from another time, announcing the first Earth Day in 1970. It's our starting point for the Environmental Ethics and Activism course at Middle Tennessee State University this Fall. Are people ready at last to understand?

Delight Springs

1 comment:

  1. Wow I really enjoyed this little preview. I would like to watch more. It really makes me wonder if we as a civilization have the ability to save ourselves from ourselves. It seems like each generation passes down a growing sense of urgentcy and warning about the importance of conservation but there is some kind of filter stopping the message from being completely understood. It reminds me of all the things my dad warned me about growing up like making sure I pay my bills on time or not procrastinating.... I tell him it's not that I didn't hear him. I just wasn't paying attention. Maybe we just need to pay more attention.
