Monday, November 19, 2018


Here are all the questions for Exam 3.  Will update page numbers and add any additional information later on/as needed.

QUIZ 17: November 5, 2018
McKibben Pg. 1-38
1.     How many Starbucks shops are in Vermont, and in the world? (2)
2.     What is Radio Free Vermont, and what is its slogan? (2)
3.     What state has the most breweries per capita?  (4)
4.     Why don't the activists just toss the Coors over the side and let the driver go?  (5)
5.     Who was captain of the Green Mountain Boys, and who did he call "narrow and bigoted"?  (6 / 7)
6.     Why can't the authorities trace RFV's location? (9 /10 /11)
7.     Who is Vern? Who is the woman activist in the balaclava?  (12 / 13/ 14 /18)
8.     What symbolizes everything right and good about a local economy?  (22)
9.     Why can't Vern converse with his listeners? (23)
10.  How was Vermont changing when Vern started his career? What does he say was starting to fail?  (24 / 25)
11.  What "visual pun" did Vern's compatriot perform at Wal-mart?  (31)

Quiz 18: November 7, 2018
McKibben Pg.39-81
1.     Why does Perry remember warm January days in Vermont? How young is he? ()
2.     What do revolutionaries always do?  ()
3.     Why does Sylvia say Vermont should ("maybe") have a democracy?  ()
4.     How many countries are smaller than Vermont?  ()
5.     Name a fun fact about Luxembourg.  ()
6.     What was Trance's sport, and her unprecedented feat? Why is the sport so "tough"?  ()
7.     What quote adorned independent Vermont's flag?  ()
8.     What "took care of" Trance's 20s? What does she say about the "point" of her service?  ()
9.     How do bare trees in autumn make Vern feel?  ()
10.  Why did the return of moose please Vern enormously?  ()

QUIZ 19: November 12, 2018
McKibben Pg. 82-122
1.     What's the governor's credo? (84)
2.     Perry thinks there are no "whiter people than who? (86)
3.     What did Trance feel like she was protecting, during her military service?  (88)
4.     Why didn't it matter that the RFV site went down?  (92)
5.     What speech always disrupted Vern's composure? (95)
6.     Vermont was the first state to do what? (96)
7.     What, according to Lincoln, breeds freedom and independence? (98)
8.     What happens on the first Tuesday in March? (102)
9.     Who pays for long-term municipal bonds?  (102)
10.  Name a great Vermonter. (111)
11.  What did Vermonters reject at town meeting in 1936? (116)

QUIZ 20: November 14, 2018
McKibben Pg.123-163
1.     Why won't Bucky and Jorene turn the Free Vermonters in?  (124)
2.     What media platform is most real, for Trance and her peers?  (126)
3.     What does Horace say he learned from Walter Cronkite?  (131)
4.     How does Vern think Vermont farmers have been put out of business?  (132)
5.     Perry remotely activated a device that simulated what?  (136)
6.     How did Sylvia afford 16 lawyers?  (144)
7.     Vern realizes that most people feel how, most of the time?  (153)
8.     What did Fenton's ethics professor say about evidence?  (161)

QUIZ 21: November 19, 2018
McKibben Pg. 163-conclusion
1.     Polls showed how many Californians wanting to secede? ()
2.     What scared Vern?  ()
3.     What's deejay Mark's "warrant"?  ()
4.     What does Vern see as the only advantage of secession?  ()
5.     What interesting thing does Vermont's constitution say about the right to bear arms?  ()
6.     What does Vern tell Marsha we all need to be reminded about democracy?  ()
7.     What does Vern say no one ever says anymore in our public life?  ()
8.     How does Trance signal her location?  ()
9.     What does Tillerson say is the great thing about America? What does Trance say about the sound of freedom in Vermont?  ()
10.  What's the moral of Radio Free Vermont?  ()

Patrick’s Quiz:  Interstellar
1.     What year was Interstellar released?
2.     Who is the Director of Interstellar?
3.     What is the main conflict of this film that is causing plants to die out?
4.     Who is the pilot of the Endurance?

Sarah’s Quiz: The Drowned World (by JG Ballard)
1.     Who is the author?
2.     What was the cause of the climate problems?
3.     Where does Robert Kerans live?
4.     Why does Colonel Riggs say they are moving north?

Teya’s Quiz:  Flight Behavior (by Barbara Kingsolver)
1.     What does Ovid Byron do?
2.     What does the protagonist plan to do when discovering this phenomenon?
3.     How does Dellarobia describe what she sees?
4.     Name at least 2 themes the author uses to relate the reader to the story.
5.     Who is the Author?

Kari’s Quiz:  We Are Unprepared (by Meg Little-Reilly)
1.     Who is the evangelist who splits the Town of Isole?
2.     What does Crow show to Peg and Ash?
3.     How does Ash save August?
4.     What happened to August’s dad?
5.     What is the name of Maggie’s dog?
6.     What happened to Crow’s ex-wife?

Tanner’s Quiz:  Avatar II (produced by James Cameron)
1.     Who cause all of the man-made destruction? 
2.     What are the Na'vi related to by real world settings?
3.     What was one of the major themes of Avatar 2?
4.     How many known clans are there?

Alex Old’s Quiz: The Collapse of Western Civilization (by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway)
1.     In what year does the book take place? 
2.     What was notable about 2023, what was it dubbed? 
3.     What day is criticized for not being every day? 
4.     What is the period called between the years 1988 and 2093? 
5.     What form of measurement had long been abandoned by this accounting of the future’s history? 

Sarah’s Quiz:  New York 2140 (by Kim Stanley Robinson)
1.     What was the name of the company offering to buy the met?
2.     Who was the supervisor of the company?
3.     How long were Mutt and Jeff missing for?
4.     What was the name of the hurricane?

Shay’s Quiz: Wall-E
1.     How long have people been living on the Axiom?
2.     What is the name of the mega corporation who built the Axiom?
3.     How much was the US ad market expected to spend in media advertising in 2017? 

4.     Name some signs of consumerism seen in the clip