1. Why won't Bucky and Jorene turn the Free Vermonters in?
2. What media platform is most real, for Trance and her peers?
3. What does Horace say he learned from Walter Cronkite?
4. How does Vern think Vermont farmers have been put out of business?
5. Perry remotely activated a device that simulated what?
6. How did Sylvia afford 16 lawyers?
7. Vern realizes that most people feel how, most of the time?
8. What did Fenton's ethics professor say about evidence?

Discussion Questions:
- Do you have good neighbors? Do you have suggestions for strengthening neighborhood ties?
- Does the content of television seem more or less real to you than that of other media platforms?
- Is it sad to you that we no longer look to a media personality with the kind of trust that "Uncle Walter" used to elicit? Or a sign of our collective cultural maturity? Or cynicism?
- Is it anyone's fault that small farms are disappearing?
- COMMENT on any or all of the quotes below...
- Add yours

“Ever since I arrived to a state of manhood, I have felt a sincere passion for liberty. The history of nations doomed to perpetual slavery, in consequence of yielding up to tyrants their natural born liberties, I read with a sort of philosophical horror; so that the first systematical and bloody attempt at Lexington, to enslave America, thoroughly electrified my mind, and fully determined me to take part with my country.”
“An attitude to life which seeks fulfilment in the
single-minded pursuit of wealth - in short, materialism - does not fit into this
world, because it contains within itself no limiting principle, while the
environment in which it is placed is strictly limited.”
― Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered
“People don't need enormous cars; they need admiration and respect. They don't need a constant stream of new clothes; they need to feel that others consider them to be attractive, and they need excitement and variety and beauty. People don't need electronic entertainment; they need something interesting to occupy their minds and emotions. And so forth. Trying to fill real but nonmaterial needs-for identity, community, self-esteem, challenge, love, joy-with material things is to set up an unquenchable appetite for false solutions to never-satisfied longings. A society that allows itself to admit and articulate its nonmaterial human needs, and to find nonmaterial ways to satisfy them, world require much lower material and energy throughputs and would provide much higher levels of human fulfillment.”
― The Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update
“In the world we grew up in, our most ingrained economic and political habit was growth; it’s the reflex we’re going to have to temper, and it’s going to be tough.”
― Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
― Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
Max McConnell Alternate Quiz Questions
ReplyDelete1. What’s the only time Trance ever feels truly confident? Pg 120 With a gun on her back and skis on her feet
2. Why does Trance keep training and exercising? Pg 120 Because she doesn’t know what else she is. When she stops, she will have to come up with an alternative.
3. What did governor Leslie Bruce say about the Vermont residents signing petitions for Vermont’s succession? Pg 125 They are probably not criminals themselves, but just unwitting dupes.”
4. Who is in the back pocket of the governor? Pg 127 Horace LaRossette
5. Where does Horace get his suits? Pg 130 5 new suits every 3 months from the Men’s Warehouse at the University Mall
6. At the moment the promised benefits of social security exceed its projected income by how much? Pg 134 Exceeded by trillions
7. Why does Trance say the hunting cameras don’t come with audio? Pg 136 Because deer don’t talk much.
8. Who represents Sylvia’s team and serves as their media coordinator? Pg 141 David Fenton
9. Why was Sylvia’s bail set so high? Pg 141 The state argued that she was a flight risk
10. Sylvia’s lawyers filed a counter suit for how much under what grounds? Pg 142 50 million dollars in damages for the destruction of her home and the mental distress caused by forcing her to watch, handcuffed, as her home burned to the ground.
11. Every camera caught what bumper sticker on the Subaru Forester that whisked Sylvia away after the press conference? Pg 145 a “Barclay for Prime Minister” bumper sticker
12. How did Vern feel about watching himself on television? Pg 148 He found it distracting to watch himself, even in the best of times
13. What was linked to poverty? Pg 151 the smell of stale smoke inside
Alternative Quiz Questions
ReplyDelete1. What happened to Sylvia’s house? It burned down.
2. How much money did Sylvia’s lawyers suing for damages to her house and mental anguish? $50 million
3. What is Trance refusing to do for the rest of her life? Shooting people
4. What did Tommy Augustus prevent Sylvia from doing? Putting out the fire that was destroying her home
Discussion Question - Teya James
ReplyDelete“Is it sad to you that we no longer look to a media personality with the kind of trust that "Uncle Walter" used to elicit? Or a sign of our collective cultural maturity? Or cynicism?”
I would have to say that it is very sad that there isn’t a media personality that we can trust to get down to the heart of anyone’s agenda. All that is on TV anymore are people who are no longer seeking justice – just seeking a response and the five minutes of fame they can capitalize from it. There was a time when reporters actually were driven by the truth and fueled by serving the greater good. Now it seems that all reporters and media outlets want is to show only one side and exploit situations that play into rhetoric that further divides people. Whether it is through traumatic events or political agendas and acts of violence, it doesn’t seem that the greater good is being served anymore. It doesn’t seem like there is responsibility among reporters to give facts and reports and through social media platforms and the emotional responses they provoke doesn’t show that we are a mature culture. People can destroy lives anonymously and before the facts can be checked, the story goes viral – and the Jeanie cannot be put back into the bottle.
Even as a teenager, I liked listening to Paul Harvey, strange as it may sound since his monotone voice can put anyone to sleep –but he always gave his listeners, “the rest of the story”. Barbara Walters, had a great way of cutting through all the BS to drill down to get facts and make people spill what they were trying to hide – in the effort to serve the greater good. It seems as these greats are members of a dying breed. Cynicism has its place in our society, with all the information we are forced to read and hear and the violence and hate that is produced. It seems that skepticism is a necessary tool we need for us to seek the truth for ourselves.
ReplyDelete1) What worried Vern in the newspaper? (125)
2) Who is Hap Hapson? What did he say in the newspaper? (125/126)
3) Who is Horace LaRossette? What were the 2 things about him that Vern was counting on for his plan? (127)
4) What is Horace's favorite part of the job? Why? (130)
5) Why have they been so successful at putting farmers out of business? (133)
6) What percent of food grown in Vermont is consumed by people in Vermont? How does this compare to milk produced in Vermont? (133)
7) What does Vern say people want in Vermont again? What would give the people of Vermont some security? (133)
8) Why does Vern say that people thinking about depending on Social Security should think again? (134)
9) What did Tommy Augustus tell the reporter was making most of the noise? Where did they get them? (138)
10) What did the bumper sticker on the back of the Subaru Forester say? (145)
11) How did Vern think of his voice? (148)
12) Trance says she's a good enough soldier to know what? (149)
Quiz Questions for Avatar II
ReplyDeleteWho cause all of the man-made destruction?
What are the Na'vi related to by real world settings?
What was one of the major themes of Avatar 2?
How many known clans are their?