Monday, November 5, 2018

Quiz Nov 7

RFV -81. Under construction...

1. Why doesn't Perry remember warm January days in Vermont? How young is he?

2. What do revolutionaries always do?

3. Why does Sylvia say Vermont should ("maybe") have a democracy?

4. How many countries are smaller than Vermont?

5. Name a fun fact about Luxembourg.

6. Is there really a falcon in Malta?

6. What was Trance's sport, and her unprecedented feat? Why is the sport so "tough"?

7. What quote adorned independent Vermont's flag?

8. What "took care of" Trance's 20s? What does she say about the "point" of her service?

9. How do bare trees in autumn make Vern feel?

10. Why did the return of moose please Vern enormously?

Discussion Questions

  • Add yours
  • Are you inclined to think of warm January days as an omen, something to enjoy, or both?
  • Are eco-activists making optimal use of the available bandwidth (radio, Internet, other media) to get their message out?
  • Are state secessionists idiots? 45
  • In light of the latest elections, what's your view of democracy? Is it working? Is it really even happening?
  • Does the U.S. need a better anthem?
  • Is the U.S. too big? Is there a case to be made for disbanding the union?
  • Would you want to live in the free and independent state of Tennessee? Middle Tennessee? Nashville? Rutherford County? Liechtenstein? Ecotopia? 


  1. 1. Why is everyone looking for something to rally around? (44) Because people are freaked out about Trump.

    2. What were Vern, Syl and Perry trying to do that could possibly cause people to emigrate to Liechtenstein? (53) Trying to convince people to go for a free Vermont

    3. What caused Sylvia to be so furious at Vern? (58) He was a fugitive and told his mother where he lived or where to find him.

    4. How old is Vern’s mother? (59) 96 years old.

    5. What is the name of the German biathlete? (61) Uschi Disl

    6. What was so significant of Trance’s sport career? (62) This was her first Olympics at the age of 26 – a late bloomer.

    7. How did Trance fair at the Olympics? (63) She won gold by an inch or two.

    8. What American president was Trance referred as? (65) Calvin Coolidge

    9. What was Trance’s father and mother like? (65) He was a drunk who left. Her mother is a saint.

    10. What did the New York Attorney General say when threatening Ethan Allen? (69) “Might often prevails over right”.

    11. The Green Mountain boys were resolute in saying what regarding the protection of their land? (70)“by force, as law and justice were denied them”.

    12. What did Trance do in the military? (74) Sharpshooter (sniper). The first girl.

  2. Max McConnell Alternte Quiz Questions
    1. Why does Perry say he likes soul music? Pg 41 “It’s complete.”
    2. What is one of Perry’s favorite songs? Pg 43 ‘Say it Loud- I’m Black and Proud’
    3. Perry suggests they have what sort of contest on the air? Pg 47 An anthem contest.
    4. What country has the highest average annual income? Pg 52 Luxembourg at $102,000 average annually
    5. What country has an army that consists of 80 archers? Pg 53 San Marino
    6. What is Perry’s first nomination for the new national anthem contest? Pg 55 Miss Mavis Staples’ ‘ I have Learned to Do Without You’
    7. Who did Trance compete against for the Olympian medal? Pg 61Uschi Disl
    8. What is Trance’s real name? Pg 62 Ellen Harper
    9. What did Trance do in the Afghanistan? Pg 74-75 Sharpshooter/ poster girl
    10. What does Vern connect to Walmart? Pg 79 Winter vanishing

  3. Living in Tennessee, especially within a valley, can have troubling pollution effect or really weird weather like usual. January does not really get cold until closer to February or well have a cold winter throughout the season. So January could progress into warmer winter or progressively become colder in the valley.

  4. “Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain/ oh pay off your high majesties, for easing off your pain/ America, America, please put a price on me/ and crown my charts with “past due” marks/ money, money, money”
