Thursday, October 6, 2016

Alternative Quiz Questions Ch. 13 and Conclusion

1. What was Klein's "morbid habit" that causes her to picture the destruction of any body of water due to oil spills? (420)

2. What concerned Jonathan Henderson most as he led the expedition into the marshlands to discover how far the oil had spread? (425)

3. What was scientifically significant about the Aamjiwnaang First Nation's "lost boys?" (428)

4. One year after the BP Oil Spill, what was it that shrimpers, crabbers, and oystermen working in some of the most affected parts of Louisiana and Mississippi were reporting? (431)

5. According to Klein, what is one of the first functions to erode when animals are under stress? (435)

6. To Klein, concepts such as balance or harmony with the earth are associated with an Indigenous worldview, primarily because such cultures keep this alternative way of seeing the world alive in the face of what? (443)

7. Contrary to capitalism's drift toward monopoly and duopoly in virtually every arena, what systems does Klein say mimic nature's genius for built-in redundancy? (447)

8. What was the one dynamic that offered some hope in Werner's model? (450)

9. Why does Klein say it was bad timing for climate change to land on the public agenda at the peak of the free market? (465)

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