Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Quiz Oct 20

Ch 5
1. When will we reach climate conditions last seen 55 million years ago, if current rates of increase in atmospheric CO2 continue?

2. What do divergent climate models remind us?

3. What worst-case scenario do scientists consider increasingly likely?

Ch 6
4. What economic idea favored by climate skeptics is clearly wrong?

5. The backlash to what environmental classic should have forewarned us about "Climategate"?

6. What nation was rated last on the 2014 Global Green Economy Index?

Ch 7
7. The world's largest single source of carbon pollution is what?

8. How much will demand for coal in electricity generation in the U.S. decline by 2020?


  • What kinds of "unconstructive behavior in international forums" might the next US presidential administration commit? How will you address that, as a citizen?
  • What sort of "carbon price" would you support? 
  • How do we close "the gulf between what the scientists know and what politicians choose to say"?
  • Should someone apologize for Climategate?
  • "It is astonishing that we have persisted with [coal] for so long," given its health and pollution costs. Is it also astonishing that so many US politicians continue to advocate for the coal industry? How do we change that?
It was great to hear from our guests on Tuesday that MTSU is moving in the right direction, with the Green Power Switch program etc. What we still don't know is the extent to which MTSU students' money still flows, via institutional investment, towards supporting the fossil fuel industry. Now that we're in the process of breaking ties to the Tennessee Board of Regents and establishing our own governing board, this becomes a crucial question for us to continue to press. One of the ways we can press it is by getting involved with the Students for Environmental Action, mtsu.sea@gmail.com, and by holding open our invitation to Dr. McPhee to address the issue. Contact him directly, Sidney.McPhee@mtsu.edu, or via his assistant: kimberly.edgar@mtsu.edu.

Mother Jones (@MotherJones)
Climate Change Got Exactly 2 Seconds of Time in the Final Debate mojo.ly/2enBExj
Architecture (@archpics)
KODA is a tiny solar-powered house that can move with its owners buff.ly/2dzzCIM
EcoWatch (@EcoWatch)
It's Time to Get Rid of Your Lawn! ow.ly/5K0G305levD @foodandwater @WaterAidAmerica


  1. How do we close "the gulf between what the scientists know and what politicians choose to say"?

    I think that by continuing to protest these various environmental issues and continuing to grow and expand that cause in numbers will eventually force politicians hands. I mean you may be getting all this under the table money from the dirty industries but at some point they have to realize that they have to have voters to help them keep their seats. Also I think this election cycle has shown the power of the media and what power social pressure have on politicians and their actions.

  2. "It is astonishing that we have persisted with [coal] for so long," given its health and pollution costs. Is it also astonishing that so many US politicians continue to advocate for the coal industry? How do we change that?

    We must get big money out of politics because this has gradually shifted the most politicians minds from helping their constituents and doing what is best for the country and its present and future to politicians doing what is best for the profit margins of their supporters and doing what they can to help these dirty businesses that are doing vast harm in order to continue receiving the money from them to further their political careers.

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