Thursday, October 6, 2016

Undisclosed meetings with fossil fuel industry lobbyists

Don Enss

Notes from closed-door meeting reveal collusion between GOP AGs, industry lobbyists to defend ExxonMobil and obstruct climate change legislation
Republican attorneys general held private, undisclosed meetings with fossil fuel industry lobbyists in July to coordinate on shielding ExxonMobil from scrutiny as the company faces an ongoing investigation over allegations that it intentionally misled the public and its own shareholders about evidence of climate change, according to an audio recording of the session obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy.

1 comment:

  1. Things like this just goes to show that a a major issue that has to be tackled if we ever want to have a better society is that we must shift towards taking big money out of politics because when major corporations start influencing high level politics, time and time again we see that the focus shifts from bettering the country, the world, and mankind, to making sure corporate profits stay high no matter the cost and that politicians pockets stay fat in the process while spreading false information to the public.
