Thursday, October 27, 2016

Oct 27 Ch 8-13 Atmosphere of Hope

Don Enss

Chapter 8-13
1.      Why does the demand for jet biofuels remain low? (93).

2.      When is it anticipated that solar can be globally competitive with coal? (100).

3.      There are good reasons for believing that solar represents a better deal than gas not least of which is the fact that solar runs on what cost fuel stock? (102).

4.      What is causing investors to sell off their shares in various fossil-fuel based industries? (106).

5.      In May of  2012, what significant event happened regarding nuclear power in Japan? (115).

6.      What is one issue that relates to nuclear waste that remains problematic? (118).

7.      Who are prosumers? (121).

8.      With no fuel costs, and diminishing maintenance, what is set to become a ferocious competitor in the energy sector? (123).

9.      What may provide the momentum for a decisive end to the fossil-fuel era? (131).

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