Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Alternative Quiz Questions Ch. 12

1. What  key water source would be threatened if the coal industry built a railroad and coal mine on the Northern Cheyenne reservation? (389)

2. How did some families manage to significantly lower their notorious heating bills from $19 a month instead of the average $400? (392)

3. According to Klein's analogy about adapting to natural systems, if extractive energy sources are NFL football players who "bash away at the earth," then what does she compare renewables to? (394)

4. Why do Black Mesa activists understand that there is no hope of shutting down the mining occurring in Arizona? (398)

5. According to Dan Apfel, what percentage of the money in public purpose and publicly related institutions adds up to about $400 billion, and what could this money help create? (401)

6. What does Klein say is demolishing the idea that any counter-cultural pocket can provide a safe haven? (404)

7. According to Klein, there is no reason why future disasters cannot become laboratories for whom? (407)

8. What was the counter-proposal made by the environmental group Accion Ecologica in 2006 regarding the oil issue and the Ecuadorian government? (408)

9.Who does Klein say are mostly responsible for the surge in emissions in recent years? (412)

10. What is the "Greenhouse Development Rights," and what does it attempt to accomplish? (417)


1. For reservation communities such as the Northern Cheyenne, they have overcome the battle over the fate of the land, disrupting the plans for coal mining and thus preserving their land. However, this is not the case with many other indigenous people as in the case of the Black Mesa Water Coalition. Why do you think certain activist groups are successful and others are not?

2. On pages 404 and 405 Klein discusses the issue with these "green museums" when natural disasters strike and goes to conclude that these cannot be an option for this generation. Do you believe that building alternative systems is futile without strong activism for change?

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