Saturday, October 29, 2016

Study Guide.

This Changes Everything:
Ch 12:
1. Why is the Sierra Club pursuing "triage" on the Northern Cheyenne and Crow Reservations in Montana?
2. What did Red Cloud say is part of Natives' way of life?
3. What are the roots of Denmark's and Germany's commitment to renewables?
4. What are participants in the divestment movement asking colleges and municipalities to do, in addition to divesting?
5. What's the greenest town in America?
Ch 13:
1. What got worse for Klein, after covering the BP Oil Spill? What caused her attitude to improve?
2. How did Klein's experience at the fertility clinic replicate our collective approach to high-risk geoengineering technologies?
3. What do most drug and chemical risk assessments focus on?
4. What was BP's working assumption when it confidently predicted that a spill would have minimal impact?
5. How has species extinction changed in the age of fossil fuels?
6. What defeats the strength and tenacity of salmon?
7. What recurring pattern is replacing the pure extraction model?
8. Only what can save us now?
Atmosphere of Hope:
Ch 1-2
1. What gathering last December does Tim Flannery say might create an atmosphere of hope?
2. Digital connectedness has brought what new opportunities?
3. What may the "third way" allow us to do in coming decades?
4. What excellent website on climate science does Flannery recommend?
5. What "silent killer" accounted for so many "excess deaths" in Melbourne?
6. What other silent killer takes more than 300,000 lives every year?
7. Why are extreme warming-induced snowfalls a problem?
8. How long might "mega droughts" last, later in this century?
9. What did NASA conclude about six big glaciers that drain into Amundsen Bay?
Ch 3-7
1. What was the purpose of the Biosphere 2 experiment, and what did it teach us?
2. What has huge potential to reduce ocean acidification and global warming?
3. How was Flannery naive a decade ago?
4. Whose polar bear comments are given disproportionate weight by the media? Why?
5. What may be the first mammals to become extinct in the US due to climate change?
Ch 5
1. When will we reach climate conditions last seen 55 million years ago, if current rates of increase in atmospheric CO2 continue?
2. What do divergent climate models remind us?
3. What worst-case scenario do scientists consider increasingly likely?
Ch 6-7
4. What economic idea favored by climate skeptics is clearly wrong?
5. The backlash to what environmental classic should have forewarned us about "Climategate"?
6. What nation was rated last on the 2014 Global Green Economy Index?
7. The world's largest single source of carbon pollution is what?
8. How much will demand for coal in electricity generation in the U.S. decline by 2020?
Ch 8-10
1. What new form of extraction halved US OPEC imports?
2. Name a seemingly small initiative that contributes to reduced demand for oil products.
3. What lesson might we learn from the 2013 rail tragedy in Quebec?
4. What was Randolph Kirkpatrick's "not entirely crackbrained" idea?
5. Why does Dieter Helm hate wind turbines?
6. Why isn't gas going to solve the climate problem?
7. By what date are we now projected to use up our entire carbon budget?
8. Why are fossil-fuel companies fundamentally overvalued?
9. What are green bonds?
Ch 11-13
1. How does global wind power capacity compare to nuclear capacity a quarter century ago (when nuclear was in the ascendant)?
2. What's an example of a "positive societal impact" in Japan after Fukushima and the subsequent shuttering of all nuclear plants?
3. What's happened to US greenhouse gas emissions since the Kyoto Protocol?
4. How has Google Earth helped cut costs for solar energy?
5. What "game changer" for electric cars is being built in Nevada?
6. Why is the sales success of plug-in hybrids important?


  1. Thanks, Michael. The exam will cover only Atmosphere of Hope, thru ch13... it will not include the final chapters from This Changes Everything.
