Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Finding a Homeplace - You Can Go Home Again

I can validate the wisdom of Wendell Berry’s theme of finding a homeplace, of “stopping somewhere” and putting down roots. I grew up in Shelbyville, with close ties to my father’s family in Nashville. I could not wait to get out of there. Small town life was not for me, I wanted to live in the big city. I could not understand why all my friends did not feel the same way. When I graduated from high school in 1963, the last place on earth that I would go to college was MTSU. Everybody went to MTSU. It was like continuing in high school, and it was only 30 miles away. (BTW, I am very happy to be going to MTSU now, along with my two adult sons.) I went to Florida State for a miserable year, and then, homesick, returned to UT. After that, I shook the dust of Shelbyville off my feet. I did live in the city; Tampa, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Miami. And then, 20 years ago something strange happened. I came home.  And I discovered something important, something I had never realized. I discovered that there is real value to my self-concept and my sense of a well-lived life in being connected to a place and a community and a history. An old friend said to me when I had first come home, "you know, Ed, I've been all over the world, and seen beautiful places and wonderful things, but for day-in, day-out living, you can't beat the rolling hills of middle Tennessee." I am happier because I have a homeplace. Plants need roots to flourish.

Weekly Participation Summary

11/03 This post

11/01 Comment on Wendell Berry   

11/03 Comment on Kathryn’s post

Week Eleven Point Total – 5

Eleven Week Cumulative Point Total – 55


  1. Replies
    1. But, if you write a tell-all expose' about your small-town neighbors you might not WANT to go home again.

      I do think Wolfe was right about this: “This is man, who, if he can remember ten golden moments of joy and happiness out of all his years, ten moments unmarked by care, unseamed by aches or itches, has power to lift himself with his expiring breath and say: "I have lived upon this earth and known glory!”

    2. I had started to make my post title that to which I have now been inspired to changed it.
