Sunday, November 22, 2020


The dictionary definition of in definition of inconsequential is something that is of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial. inconsequent; illogical. irrelevant. A question we asked in class, and is asked in the world, is do our individual personal environmentally conscious acts have any consequences in the world. I think that they do, and that this was Hope Jahren’s point in the interview with her we saw. She decided she would do something for herself. Our little acts of conservation affect us; they make us feel better. Being environmentally conscious and acting environmentally conscious is the right thing to do.

For Immanuel Kant, the only thing that can be conceived as good in itself, without qualification, is not happiness, but is a Good Will. The Good Will is the will, the volition, to do the right thing; it is moral goodness. To act out of good will means to act out of a sense of obligation; i.e., duty. Good Will is doing one’s duty regardless of the circumstances. Or regardless of the consequences, be there any or none.

Aristotle teaches that doing the right thing leads to the development of good character; it makes us better human beings. Excellence as a human being is arete, and achieving arete leads to eudaimonia, the well-lived, flourishing life; i.e., happiness. So even if our little environmentally responsible acts don’t help save the world, they do help us. They are not insignificant, trivial, illogical, or irrelevant – they are consequential.

Weekly Participation Summary

11/22  This post

11/22  Post on 11/22/1963

11/23 Replies to you, Heather & Carolin

Week Fifteen Point Total – 5

Fifteen Week Cumulative Point Total – 75




  1. Doing the right thing just feels right, it sets the right example for anyone who may happen to notice, and as Wendell Berry said it's all we're entitled to... not to a successful outcome. It's how you play the game.

  2. Additionally, I think it is important to live a consistent life. I claim to believe something, I want my actions--no matter how small or insignificant--to align with those principles. I believe that preserving the environment is good. If I turn off my lights when I leave the room, don't use straws, and walk/bike when possible regardless of the overall impact, I still slowly bring my life into alignment with my beliefs. And that union is intrinsically good. It is important to remember to do good regardless of its instrumental value.
