Friday, September 4, 2020

Environmental Ethics: Questions Mon31-Wed2

DQ-Are you an active advocate (or passive practitioner) of walking, cycling, public transport, etc.? 

I am a very active advocate of walking and cycling. I always try to at least ride my bike in a park or in my neighborhood once a week.  I believe that walking and cycling activity can lower motor vehicle transportation pollution .If we all as a society would learn to ride bikes down the street in order to get something to eat or from the store or just riding down the street instead of getting into a motor vehicle, we would reduce environmental pollution .

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. We need walkable and bike-able infrastructure, it needs to become instinctive for people NOT to get behind the wheel for short errands. (And I need to move to the other end of my I-24 commute! -but then my wife will be behind the wheel.)
